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标题: 塔斯马尼亚第一例猪流感被证实!! [打印本页]

作者: Mao    时间: 2009-5-30 20:38
标题: 塔斯马尼亚第一例猪流感被证实!!
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Swine influenza hits state


May 30, 2009 12:00am

SWINE flu has hit Tasmania and the Government has warned people to stockpile food and medicine in case they fall victim to the virus.
The state's first victim was confirmed last night as a 62-year-old woman from the state's North-West.

Health authorities are bracing for more cases and have warned Tasmanians to prepare for the worst.

SWINE FLU HOTLINE: 1800 358 362 (1800 FLU DOC)

Health Minister Lara Giddings said last night people should stock up on food and medication in case they contracted swine flu and needed to be isolated.

"In light of this confirmation it is important that people prepare to stay in isolation for a week if necessary because the virus could affect anyone," Ms Giddings said.

"Everyone should think about having a week's supply of basic groceries and prescription medications available," she said.

"It would also be useful for everyone to think about who could help out in the event they are home isolated."

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Tasmanian faculty chairman Professor Peter Mudge said people should heed the advice.

Prof Mudge said Tasmanians should also avoid crowded places.

He said it was inevitable more cases would hit Tasmania because of the state's proximity to Victoria, where swine flu cases had spiralled to 138 yesterday.

"Tasmania will be involved," Prof Mudge said.

Tasmania's first victim, who lives alone in the North-West, disembarked from the Pacific Dawn cruise ship in Sydney earlier this week.

She was one of 10 Tasmanians aboard the ship, where 24 were stricken with human swine flu.

Tasmania's acting public health director Chrissie Pickin said the 62-year-old woman reported flu-like symptoms after disembarking from the ship.

"The woman, who lives alone, has remained in home isolation all week and is recovering well," Dr Pickin said. She said people who had been in close contact with the woman were being asked to go into home isolation until seven days after their last exposure.

Dr Pickin said public health officers had identified the close contacts who needed to be isolated.

She said the positive result was not unexpected.

"I have warned that the virus would soon reach us and we are well prepared to deal with what confronts us now.

"We are hoping to contain the virus and are doing as much as possible to ensure it doesn't become widespread.

Ms Giddings said Tasmania was prepared.

"It is obviously concerning that a case of human swine flu has been confirmed in the state, but Tasmanians can be assured that we are well prepared," Ms Giddings said.

"There is no indication that the virus is widespread in the community and we are very hopeful that it is contained to this one person," she said.

The Government is preparing pandemic flu centres in case of a major outbreak.

Ms Giddings said the Government would make further announcements today about arrangements being put in place to contain the spread of the virus in Tasmania.

Prof Mudge said Tasmania was at heightened risk because Victoria was a hotspot for swine flu.

He said there was always a lot of travel between Victoria and Tasmania and the school holidays which start next week could increase the risk.

But he said it was good that children were no longer at school because classroom environments had the potential to spread the virus quickly.

"The holidays are a mixed bag," Prof Mudge said.

Authorities are still waiting for results from tests on a 52-year-old woman from Tasmania's North who has tested positive for influenza A.

Swine flu is a sub-type of influenza A.

And influenza A test results are pending for a 50-year-old male from Southern Tasmania who travelled to Canada.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... 41_todays-news.html
作者: 暖暖    时间: 2009-5-30 20:41
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作者: Nick    时间: 2009-5-31 23:03
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暖暖 发表于 2009-5-30 20:41

作者: rambler    时间: 2009-6-3 14:57
::zt74:: 怕什么啊,我天天在高危人群中徘徊::xt005::VIC已经有395例了,没见鬼佬大惊小怪的,反倒是前两天印度人的游行搞得警察挺紧张的
作者: 陌路无声    时间: 2009-6-4 11:02
真的有一例啊 哇 厉害···

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