

Disarm, student body warned

Mao 2013-3-11 12:44:35 阅读 18318 来自: 澳大利亚
TASMANIA Police are warning international students if they are caught with weapons for protection they will be arrested on the spot.

The students, concerned for their safety, are arming themselves for protection with screwdrivers and other weapons, Chinese Cultural Society of Tasmania spokesman Jason Xu said yesterday.

But Inspector Glen Woolley, officer in charge of Hobart, warned students against the practice.

"If we find they are carrying knives or other weapons then they will be charged," he said.

"And that could impact on their visas and their studies.

"We don't want people to become vigilantes and take the law into their own hands."

The calls come as new international students attended an information session at Hobart Town Hall yesterday hosted by the Chinese Cultural Society of Tasmania.

Society spokesman Mr Xu said an estimated 90 per cent of international students were insulted at some stage during their studies and possibly up to 30 per cent physically assaulted.

But Insp Woolley said Hobart's streets were no less safe than anywhere else in the world, adding police had only had 20 recorded incidents in the past year including physical or verbal assaults, or other crimes against international students.

"It doesn't matter if you are in Tasmania or in Bangkok - the situation is still the same," Insp Woolley said. "When you do go to an area and you feel threatened, get out of there quickly, use your initiative."

Mr Xu said students were being advised to go to the pub with friends, but to avoid traditional university nights such as Wednesday and Saturday.

He acknowledged it was a shame international university students were maybe not having the same experience as domestic students.

"The cultural divide is getting bigger and bigger, which is a very bad cycle."

Deputy mayor Ron Christie said with 160 high-definition CCTV cameras in the city the streets were safer than ever before.


http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html



coastwind 来自: 澳大利亚



回复 · 2013-3-11 20:26:53
Mao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


coastwind 发表于 2013-3-11 20:26

那如果刚从超市买的拿在手上,被police看到直接就进局子了? ...

回复 · 2013-3-11 22:07:17
cqwztxz 来自: 澳大利亚


"It doesn't matter if you are in Tasmania or in Bangkok - the situation is still the same," 纯属扯淡,每次跟澳洲人说起他们本地的安全状况他们总会说这种事情全世界都有。我的好些同学在美国就从未碰见过。没关系,就这样下去吧,以后留学生会越来越少——至少我是要好好宣传他们这里的民风,提醒所有我认识的在出国目的地上有犹豫的人——澳洲人再怎么光鲜,也不能忽视他们的囚犯血统。
回复 · 2013-7-4 12:28:56
Dr_Dok 来自: 澳大利亚


不让带武器自卫 如果被攻击致死致残谁负责 再说了 警告留学生管什么用 最好还是管好打算攻击留学生的人比较管用
回复 · 2013-7-4 12:49:12
coding_小蓝 来自: 中国广东广州


回复 · 2013-8-22 20:44:50
BBBB_eeee 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2013-10-30 08:15:19