


Mao 2013-3-13 18:55:06 阅读 12328 来自: 澳大利亚

TASMANIANS have just 26 days to get digital-ready or lose television reception.

At the same time, an investigation is under way to work out why viewers in Mt Stuart and some parts of Lenah Valley and North Hobart are having problems picking up the ABC through the new digital transmission tower on Mt Wellington.

A survey of residents has been conducted and representatives from the Department of Communications, the ABC and Broadcast Australia have visited Tasmania to work out the problem.

Technicians say most households appear to have already invested in a digital television or set-top box in readiness for the much-publicised final switch off of the analogue signal on April 9.

Nick Mooy, from Martin's TV Antenna Service, in Hobart, said the company had received several urgent calls for service this week, but there had been no "digital panic".

"We have had a slight pick-up in calls from those who have put off switching over," Mr Mooy said as he installed an antenna yesterday.

"But Tasmanians have had digital television for 10 years and viewers have been consistently converting to digital to get the extra channels on offer."

The signal has been progressively turned off around the state since 2010.

Householders can check if they are already receiving digital TV by tuning into ABC2, ABC3 or SBS TWO. If you can get these channels you are fine.

The digital switch-over has happened in some Tasmanian towns earlier than others.

Bicheno, Rosebery, Swansea, Derby, Dover South, Hillwood, Forth, Maydena, Neika and Leslie Vale, Tullah and King Island have already lost analogue.

Channel manager at Coogans Hobart Danny Visser said sales of new televisions had been steady.

"But a lot of customers have been coming in asking questions about being digital-ready," Mr Visser said.

Tasmania's tip shops have reported they have found it harder to resell old TVs as the analogue switch-off date moved closer.


http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... 61_todays-news.html





金刚法爱 来自: 中国浙江杭州



塔斯梅尼亚的只是有 26 天数传- 现金或失去电视接待。

同时,调查正在进行中解决观众为什么在 Mt 斯图亚特和 Lenah 山谷和哈巴特北部的一些部份中正在经过新的数传在美国广播公司上面有问题采集传输在 Mt 威灵顿上的塔。

一个居民的调查已经被引导,而且来自沟通部的代表 , 美国广播公司和广播的澳洲已经拜访塔斯梅尼亚解决问题。

技术人员说,因为很多宣传的最后开关走开类似物在四月 9 日作信号,大多数的家庭似乎已经有投资在一台数传电视或有预备的组- 顶端的盒子。

尼克 Mooy,从马丁的电视天线服务,在哈巴特,说了公司已经这星期为服务接受一些紧急的呼叫, 但是已经没有 " 数传恐慌 " 。

" 我们已经有来自那些已经将结束转变延期的人呼叫的一个微小的提取 ",Mooy 先生说如他昨天安装了一个天线。

" 但是塔斯梅尼亚的已经有数传电视达 10 年之久而且观众一直一致地转换到数传有在提议方面的额外之物频道".

信号前进地自从 2010 以后在州的周围被关掉 .

如果他们已经正在收到调音的数传电视进 ABC2 , ABC3 或 SBS 二之内,一家之主能检查。 如果你能得到这些频道你很好。

数传开关- 上面的已经在比其它早的一些塔斯梅尼亚的城镇中发生。

Bicheno , Rosebery ,斯旺西,英国中部的都市, 英国东南部的港口南方, Hillwood,往前, Maydena , Neika 和莱斯利谷, Tullah 和国王岛已经遗失类似物了。

在 Coogans 哈巴特丹尼 Visser 的频道经理说了新电视的售卖已经是定态。

"但是许多客户在有关数传问问题方面已经受到的影响-现金",Visser 先生说。


回复 · 2013-4-8 14:39:20