

Doctor's Hummer hammered

Mao 2009-3-31 07:40:47 阅读 3215 来自: 澳大利亚


March 31, 2009 08:18am

ROAD users have lashed a surgeon's claims that driving a Hummer was a safe response to the risk of road trauma.

Commenting on figures showing Tasmania's crash death rate tops the nation, surgeon Stephen Wilkinson said his 3 1/2-tonne vehicle was the safest he could drive.

But other road users yesterday pointed out that driving a massive car potentially put others at risk.

Harold Scruby, from the Pedestrian Council of Australia, said the Hummer had no place on Australian roads.

"They're the most ridiculous vehicles and I don't know why we ever registered them," he said.

"These vehicles are extremely dangerous, not only to other motor vehicle users but to pedestrians, to cyclists, to motorcyclists.

"He ignores all those people. Don't forget that the pedestrian is the largest road user group ... and we're the most vulnerable.

"When we get hit by something like a Hummer, we've got a much greater chance of being killed."

Tasmanian Motorcycle Council president Shaun Lennard said road safety experts would agree a Hummer was one of the worst vehicles a person could use as a daily urban commuter.

"What happens to the eight-year-old child who accidentally runs out in front of a Hummer?" he asked.

Bicycle Tasmania president Tim Stredwick said Mr Wilkinson's approach lacked empathy.

"Dr Wilkinson's attitude is an affront to all other road users. Such a selfish attitude does absolutely nothing to reduce the road toll," he said.

"There are far more constructive and positive methods of reducing our road toll than a siege mentality that may protect a few lucky individuals who can afford military-style vehicles to protect themselves.

"The roads we all use, irrespective of what vehicle we are using, are public spaces we all have to share, where consideration, respect and co-operation are necessary."

RACT public policy general manager Vince Taskunas said vehicle safety was part of the motoring association's equation of "safer drivers in safer vehicles on safer roads".

"It doesn't have to be a big car or a massive military-style vehicle. It's up to the individual's taste ... and what makes them feel safe," he said.

He commended the Australasian New Car Assessment Program vehicle safety ratings which are available through howsafeisyourcar.com.au. The Hummer is not rated.




Mao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


i think this is the same man who owns a Audi R8
回复 · 2009-3-31 07:42:03
ktakwok 来自: 澳大利亚


I live in somewhere around lord st, as I can recalled
回复 · 2009-3-31 14:10:35
vic 来自: 澳大利亚


这个是prince street的那辆吗?
回复 · 2009-4-1 17:04:52