

Uber 2015年将来塔州了!

dulan1981 2014-12-25 19:44:38 阅读 13768 来自: 澳大利亚
Uber move annoys taxi industry

TASMANIANS waiting for a taxi at Christmas and New Year’s Eve should soon be a thing of the past, Tasmania’s ICT industry says.

TasICT is bringing Uber general manager Simon Rossi to Tasmania next month to spruik the company that offers taxi-like services in private ­vehicles with the hope the firm can be fully up and running next year.

Uber is advertising in Tasmania for drivers.

“If Uber is able to enter the market in 2015, this could be the last Christmas and New Year period where Tasmanians are waiting for hours for a taxi around Christmas and New Year’s,” TasICT executive officer Dean Winter said.

“Tasmania has the most dispersed population in ­Australia.

“Public transport has ­always been difficult without adequate population density.

“Uber would offer to connect regular Tasmanians to a safe, cheap, secure ride.”

The comments have infuriated the taxi industry, which has long argued there are ­already too many cabs on Tasmanian roads.

Tasmanian Taxi Council president Roger Burdon said it was unusual for Tasmanians to wait for long periods for taxis.

But, like any industry, busy periods can put increased pressure on services.

“If you order a pizza sometimes the times it takes to be delivered can blow out,” Mr Burdon said.

“The taxi industry is no ­exception.”

He said local taxi statistics show the majority of Tas­manian passengers were picked up within 10 minutes.

Mr Winter said many Tasmanians would still use traditional taxis.

“But this another option,” he said. “At the end of the day, it’s about consumer choice.

“Uber is revolutionising passenger transport.

“It has the potential to build a better, affordable, more flexible way for Tasmanians to move around.”





dulan1981 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



文章里面说 Uber is advertising in Tasmania for drivers.

回复 · 2014-12-25 19:46:46