


Douglas 2009-7-1 13:06:32 阅读 4655 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 Douglas 于 2009-7-1 13:13 编辑

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FRIENDS of Zhang "Tina" Yu say she was a fun, outgoing person who cared about others.

They also said she was easy to get along with and was always making people laugh.
Gallery: Zhang Yu - a woman who loved life

As friends gathered yesterday to remember the international student, they said they were struggling to come to terms with her sudden death and wished they could have done more to protect her.

Ms Yu's best friend, Anita Ibrahimaj, 20, was one of several of Ms Yu's closest friends who gathered to talk about the fun they had with Ms Yu since meeting her 18 months ago.

Ms Ibrahimaj declined an invitation to go out drinking with Ms Yu last Wednesday -- just hours before she died -- and now wonders if things might have turned out differently if she had accepted the invitation.

She and Ms Yu had initially planned to watch a movie together on Wednesday night but Ms Yu decided to go out with university friends instead.

Ms Ibrahimaj, who is studying at Elizabeth College, decided not to go with them because she had classes the next day.

Ms Yu and other university students didn't have to worry about going to class because they had recently finished exams.

"I was supposed to [go out with them] but I didn't," a teary Ms Ibrahimaj said.

"If I did this wouldn't have happened.

"We usually go out every Friday and Saturday night ... whenever we go out we always look out for each other."

Ms Ibrahimaj, who met Ms Yu soon after she arrived in Tasmania about 18 months ago, said the girls spent time together most days.

She said they enjoyed watching movies, shopping and also going out to nightclubs most Friday and Saturday nights.

She said Isobar on Hobart's waterfront was their favourite.

They spent a week holidaying together in Melbourne earlier this year and were planning a trip to Sydney.

Ms Ibrahimaj was planning to move out of her family home at Kingston so she and Ms Yu could move in together.

"We were together most days," said Ms Ibrahimaj, as she looked at photos of her happy, smiling friend.

"She was very easy to get along with. We could tell each other anything.

"She was just a really nice person, very caring and sharing.

"There was nothing bad about her."

She said she was still struggling to accept that her friend was dead.

"I'm really shocked and still can't believe it," Ms Ibrahimaj said.

"It's something that's not supposed to happen in Hobart."

Ms Ibrahimaj said Ms Yu's parents had visited their only daughter in Tasmania earlier this year, and Ms Yu was set to visit her parents and her brother in Wenzhou, China, later this month.

Ms Ibrahimaj expected Ms Yu's family would come to Tasmania and take Ms Yu's body back to China.

She said Ms Yu's friends wanted to say goodbye and hoped to organise a memorial.

Other friends yesterday described Ms Yu as a happy woman with a good sense of humour.

"She was loving, loud -- in a good way -- and would always make you laugh," one said.

Numerous tributes were also posted on Ms Yu's Facebook page yesterday.



squid2001 来自: LAN


ding!!!!!!!! Is Mecury a very famous AU website?I'll comment on it.
回复 · 2009-7-1 13:10:52
Douglas 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


"I'm also an international student studying in Tasmania. I'm deeply concerned with my safety here. I'm hearing two different voices: for one, Tasmania is among the safest states of Australia; for the other, international students are harrassed. Should I stay here or go to somewhere else?"

回复 · 2009-7-1 13:10:58
Douglas 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-7-1 13:14:03
fandy 来自: 澳大利亚


.......how to let the CCTV know.. or BBC ........
回复 · 2009-7-1 13:22:18
fenderzhe 来自: 澳大利亚


Great. let's dig in.
回复 · 2009-7-1 13:49:02
Idobelieve 来自: LAN


I have commented but I cannot see it, fuck!!!
回复 · 2009-7-1 14:40:00
Douglas 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-7-1 15:04:01
penelopexu 来自: 澳大利亚


I wrote about it on my facebook page. Got 80 friends there, Chinese, foreigners...... It has been 2 days since I wrote. But nobody cares. Nobody said anything about it. :(  So bad!
回复 · 2009-7-1 15:37:02
反常积分 来自: 澳大利亚


Anita就是一个crap!!!在tina missing的时候 她在tina的房间里开party,带男人,喝酒抽烟,用tina 的电脑....她是被我们报警强行赶走的,在tina遇害之后,她居然还有脸以她最好的朋友身份出现...简直是大言不惭,恬不知耻!!!这个东欧女人才是让tina走上不归路的真正原因!!!她借着tina的事件去报社....她根本不关心tina 的missing,是中国人报警发现tina失踪,是中国人去满大街找tina,哪怕是 不认识tina 的人也会关心...但是这个东欧荡妇只会用tina 的钱 住在tina 的房间!!!
回复 · 2009-7-1 15:41:55