

New comments from Mercury

Cort 2009-7-3 14:36:37 阅读 2410 来自: LAN
“Ben 12-56 today, well said!!

Posted by: kara 1:39pm today
I have lived in Tasmania all my life and never witnessed racism until i married a lovely asian girl. This behaviour makes me sick and i am sorry to all those asian students who have to put up with this. I am afraid to say there is a racist streak that runs through Australia but i think the majority of Australians are good people. We must all stand up against this moronish behaviour and demand more of ourselves and our politicians.

Posted by: scott lewis of hobart 1:39pm today
John you are so correct. I had a Japanese daughter-in-law and a Colombian soon to be also, I would be shattered if they were hurt and had racial taunts. As an tasmanian living in NSW, I am deeply disturbed that this should happen in such a beautiful city as Hobart, my heart breaks for these young people who do come here to educate themselves, and should not be taunted by a few "racist thugs". I have actually shed tears for Miss Yu and her family. Please make it be known that there are people out there who do care and feel so awful about what has happened.

Posted by: Kara 1:36pm today
Sleep easy Tina, may angels fly thee home. My thoughts and prayers are with Tina's family and friends, that they may find peace, and that justice will prevail.

Posted by: Ana of Tas 1:29pm today
i have been staying in hobart for past 4 years. i am an intenational studnet and have found this place very safe, till recently..i used to walk to north hobart form sandy bay at 10pm firday and sturdaynights without fear few years back...but now i am afraid to go out even to coles from my house which is 5 mins walk after dark fearing so one will do something for me..i know its not everyone who is racist...infact its just few people who are...others are friendly always you find people saying hello or how are you...its especially young kids who just loiter around are the problem.....i hope we also get some powers to defend ourselves...right now i feel like all the international students are sitting ducks.....young stff in supermarkets or places like macdonalds are racist....i have experinced that..when you go to order they just turn their backs and go away.....its just noe fair...its time to do something.......to miss yu's family my deepest condolences

Posted by: a 1:17pm today
The victim and her family have my deepest sympathy. I have to say as a white Australian who has both had many Chinese and Korean friends at university, and spent many years working in retail in the northern suburbs, what I find most disgusting about the attitudes in the streets is that typically it's the slack-jawed, welfare-dependent and ignorant white-trash bogan scum who will never move any further in life than as far as a Metro bus can carry them that making life very hard for these vibrant, intelligent and friendly people that choose to spend part of their lives here in Tasmania. We're better for their being here and it's the bogans we should be f___ing off to some remote island somewhere.

Posted by: Ben 12:56pm today
Yesterday,July 2,2009 was the 7th day after Tina's death,which was an important memory for the dead people in Chinese custom. Our international students, including Chinese,Indian,Scotch, walked from Sandy Bay to the Park near Salamanca with light candles.We stood in silent tribute under a big tree, and named it as‘Tina’.Wish her rest peacefully in the heaven.Tomorrow,July 4,2009, there will be another memory activity at Salamanca at 9am.Wish Tina's friends,international students,all the friendly people can come and join us!

Posted by: Eunice of Hobart 12:33pm today
I am a Tasmanian with an Asian wife, and I'm ashamed at the racism of the ignorant Australians amongst us, a problem which seems to have worsened over the past decade. My wife has experienced some of this, ranging from thugs yelling abuse to the rudeness of shop assistants who complain about her faulty English. Since when do most of these Australians bother to learn another language? My heartfelt condolences go to Tina's family. She was clearly a lovely young woman with a love of life. To any Asian living in Tasmania reading this, no thinking Tasmanian supports any abuse let alone crime against the Asian community. We know you are now in pain, and we apologise for the stupidity of an ignorant minority. We do not minimize this problem, it is real and should be faced head on. Now is the time to build bridges with the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and other Asian communities who have come here to study and live. Life is too short and precious to waste on finding reasons to divide and hate.

Posted by: john 12:09pm today
To Miss Yu's friends who held a memorial last night, I would like to tell you all that I am so sorry for people yelling at you and telling you to go back home.I sincerly apologise to you. You have as much right to be here in Australia as we do. You make your families proud as you study so hard to make a good life for yourselves and it is sad that those who discriminate don't do the same..Please do not think that all Australians are like those horrible people. Deepest sympathy to you all and especially Miss Yu's family..

Posted by: Kara 11:52am today
The death of Tina Yu has been a shocking event and as a Tasmanian and student of the university it embarrasses and saddens me that this had happened. My deepest condolences go out to Tina’s friends and family, and the international students who come to our state to further their education.

Posted by: A Knight 11:44am today"

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html



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