


Mao 2012-2-29 15:58:02 阅读 9793 来自: 澳大利亚

Hydro seals China deal

A JOINT ownership deal between Hydro Tasmania and a Chinese company for the Woolnorth wind farms has been signed in Beijing.

The deal will result in a $30 million tax windfall to the state, wipe $208 million of debt from Hydro Tasmania's balance sheet and allow the electricity generator to secure finance for its $400 million Musselroe wind farm project.

Deputy Premier Bryan Green was in China's capital for the signing of the deal yesterday.

Under the deal, Shenua Clean Energy Holding paid $88.6 million to take a 75 per cent share in the Studland Bay and Bluff Point wind farms with Hydro Tasmania retaining the rest.

Bluff Point, with 37 turbines, was commissioned in 2004. Studland Bay boasts 25 turbines and started generating power in 2007.

SCE is a new entity created by Guohua Energy Investment Corporation and Shenua Hong Kong to manage their Australian wind interests.

The Woolnorth investment is the new company's first in Australia.

Hydro Tasmania is now looking to develop a strategic co-operation agreement with its Chinese investor to develop other clean energy projects both in Australia and overseas .

Mr Green said the partnership would build on Tasmania's standing as Australia's renewable energy powerhouse.

When the transaction is closed, there will be a six-month exclusivity period for Hydro Tasmania to negotiate SCE's involvement in the Musselroe Wind Farm which is being built in the Tasmania's North-East.

Hydro Tasmania expects more than 200 people to be directly employed on the project during its 18-month construction phase.






Mao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



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Latest Comments:
I Dont necessarily have a problem with the Chinese Government buying a business in Tasmania (As for the land, I believed that is leased from Farmers??). But I dont like when it is reported as a Chinese Company when it is actually the Chinese Government. As Hydro is a GBE, the people of Tasmania deserve to know the finer details.
Posted by: Jason Anderson of Bellerive 4:35pm today

alan kearsley of hobart 3:36pm and William Spence of Glenorchy 1:31pm. should we be concerned about this? My bloody oath we should. Australians are still selling the farm, seems like we will never learn. We won't have to worry about Lala's hay in the barn, we won't own the barn or the hay!
Posted by: Rob Williamson of Fern Tree 4:23pm today

I'm thinking there must be minerals under them wind farms.
Posted by: Bryan Green of Hobart 4:02pm today

Its your beloved market at work folks - presumably it would be OK for cashed-up Australians to invest in Chinese infrastructure, then?Every one has their price. Having said that I believe the Chinese are a bit more selective as to who controls their land, assets and infrastructure, and are experts at perusing markets for desperate sellers - Aurora for instance, or even Gunns. Don't laugh. The Chinese do have a greater long term sense of national preservation than us, no doubt.
Posted by: alan kearsley of hobart 3:36pm today

Lara, Jason, et al Tassies! The sooner you learn to assimilate and learn MANDARIN(as opposed to Rudd's MANDARINE) the easier it will be for you!
Posted by: John Eversley of Albany, Western Australia 3:09pm today

Stella Gray, Jason Anderson, Chinese company Shanghai Pengxin have just been given approval from the New Zealand government to buy 16 of their Dairy farms they also have significant investments in the New Zealand milk Industry. China is buying Land, Oil fields, Mines and Infrastructure Etc in almost every country in the world. China won't need buy anything from us soon because they will own it all.
Posted by: William Spence of Glenorchy 1:31pm today

This is not good. Why must Tasmania (and the greater Australia) continue to whore itself and our sovereignty to the Chinese? We'll be sorry in the coming years. I can't stand xenophobia and racism but the Chinese only care about themselves and they despise us. It's all smiles on the outside but they hate us and will screw us over first chance they get, mark my word!
Posted by: Marty Smith of Bangkok 1:22pm today

Green by name, Green by nature.
Posted by: les david of glenorchy 1:17pm today

@Mark Baker - Wont happen Mark. The price of Electricity Hydro sells to Aurora is regulated by 'the regulator' - so it wont make a difference and the government will pocket any profit. There are also big investments for Hydro coming up in Mussleroe wind farm and Gas proepecting around Australia and Africa, so they'll likely take on more debt.
Posted by: Jason Anderson of Bellerive 11:38am today

Obviously, with our present debt woes,we couldn`t afford a puff of air at a picnic.
Posted by: jason glover of richmond 11:33am today
回复 · 2012-2-29 15:58:54
tianmao826 来自: 澳大利亚


great, do we chinese people get special offer?
回复 · 2012-2-29 17:05:51
evan_zhao 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-2-29 18:35:11
丁磊 来自: 澳大利亚


本帖最后由 丁磊 于 2012-3-2 14:33 编辑

澳洲人一向都是很没有安全感的。对于中国的购买力 他们除了这样啰嗦几句 还能有什么可做的?!
现在汇率这么高 他们应该开心的直接把钱换成欧元 英镑或者是美元 等汇率低了再换回来。想想怎么多赚钱,不要想着怎么都抠钱,be creative rather than competitive.
回复 · 2012-3-2 14:31:40