

塔大健身房涨价 引起学生不满

Mao 2012-3-5 13:44:45 阅读 7515 来自: 澳大利亚

Gym fee jump a uni turn-off

CASH-STRAPPED uni students are turning away from their campus gym after membership prices were increased by as much as $200 a year.

Fitness fanatics are instead joining cheaper gyms in the CBD, some of which open 24 hours a day and offer student memberships for almost a third of the cost of the uni gym.

Unigym increased its fees at the end of January, citing an increase in operational costs such as cleaning, ground maintenance and repairs and rates.

Stefan Hamilton has been a member of Unigym for two years but is now looking at alternatives.

"I can't afford that extra $200 so I'm trying to find another option," he said.

"I think they are now running the uni gym as a business, without regard for students and subsidies for students are now gone."

University of Tasmania community services and development executive director Jacinta Young said Unigym membership prices had increased only marginally.

"Our prices are quite competitive with other fitness facilities and we offer UTAS students a 20 per cent discount and other concession card holders a 10 per cent discount on all membership prices," she said.

The uni gym sports hall, which is used for popular classes like Zumba and sports such as basketball, is currently closed.

"The sport hall parquetry flooring has raised from the joists and bearings as a result of water seepage," Ms Young said.

"Until such time as sections of the floor have been taken up, the exact cause at this stage is unknown."

Zap Fitness founder Bob Cheek said he was happy with Unigym's new pricing structure.

"I'm pleased they are going back to market rates," he said.

"They were subsidised by the government and as a private enterprise it's hard to compete against a government department, it's unfair competition."

Mr Cheek said he had noticed an increase in memberships from young gym users since the uni fees went up.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... 6421_lifestyle.html





MR_Matcha 来自: 澳大利亚


{:soso_e114:}对  我不满了@@ 虽然我不去
回复 · 2012-3-5 15:29:50
BigShow2008 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-3-5 17:27:50
abaobaomama 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-3-5 22:59:13