

郎塞男子欲花万元雇人杀妻 结果雇到卧底警察

Mao 2013-2-22 13:49:55 阅读 10560 来自: 澳大利亚
Darryl Scott Donohue, 41, of Invermay, will spend at least two years behind bars for attempting to hire a hitman to murder his estranged wife.

A LAUNCESTON man who tried to hire a hitman to kill his estranged wife -- but got an undercover policeman instead -- has been jailed for four years.

Darryl Scott Donohue, 41, of Invermay, was the first Tasmanian convicted of incitement to murder.

He also pleaded guilty to stalking over a six-month period.

Chief Justice Ewan Crawford said the circumstances of the incitement to murder were chilling.

"Aggravating factors of both crimes are that he was acting in breach of a court's family violence order," he said.

"An aggravating factor of the incitement to murder is that despite police having spoken to him about what he was planning he maintained it.

"The incitement was not a spur of the moment decision but a pre-meditated plan that extended at least for a month."

The court heard that Donohue was angry that he could not get access to his children after a family violence order was put in place.

He approached a man he did not know at a barbecue to kill his wife for $10,000.

The man told police who then set up a sting giving Donohue the phone number of an undercover policeman.

After a meeting with the proposed "hitman" Donohue was arrested.

Justice Crawford set a non-parole period of two years and he dismissed defence counsel's submission for a partly suspended sentence.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... calesofjustice.html





金刚法爱 来自: 中国浙江杭州



一个试着雇请 hitman 杀他的疏离妻子的 LAUNCESTON 男人 -- 但是改为争取了一位秘密的警察 -- 已经被监禁达四年之久。

Darryl 史考特 Donohue,41,Invermay, 是那第一的塔斯梅尼亚的刺激判定有罪谋杀。


主要的正义 Ewan Crawford 说刺激的环境,谋杀是无情的。

" 两者罪行的使更恶化因素是,他正在法院的家庭暴力次序的裂口中行动 ",他说。

" 刺激的一个使更恶化因素到谋杀是那尽管警察有对他说话有关他正在计划的事他维护它。

" 刺激不是片刻决定的一个马刺但是一个被预先想的至少延长一个月的计划 " 。

法院听到, Donohue 很生气,在一个家庭暴力次序被适当地放之后,他无法得到他的孩子。

他接近了他在一串烤肉没有知道杀他的妻子一个男人为 $10,000.

男人告诉了然后建立一个给 Donohue 秘密的警察电话号码的刺警察。

在和被提议的 " hitman" 的会谈 Donohue 之后被拘捕。

正义 Crawford 设定二年的一个非誓言时期,而且他为一个部分中止的句子摒弃了防卫商议的服从。

http:// www.themercury.com.au/art 。。。 calesofjustice.html
男子,花, 卧底警察
回复 · 2013-2-23 19:38:06
tas2011 来自: 澳大利亚


看完翻译    我。。。了
回复 · 2013-2-26 14:50:48
墨默 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2013-3-13 12:58:45