


Mao 2009-4-11 17:48:07 阅读 2823 来自: 澳大利亚
PS chiefs get foreign cars

April 11, 2009 12:00am
THE State Government is buying new Audis, Mercedes and BMWs at the same time as calling for a public service wage freeze.

The Mercury understands that of the nine Audis sold in Hobart in March, eight went to the State Government. There are about 200 highly paid bureaucrats in the Senior Executive Service and most receive a privately plated vehicle as part of their salary package.
The purchase of expensive European marques over locally built models for senior public servants has been questioned as the Government tries to slash almost half a billion from its budget over the next three years.  It is warning 1500 jobs could go if public servants do not accept a wage freeze..

Last July the Government announced a minimum greenhouse rating for vehicles as part of its climate change policy.

The rating precluded many six-cylinder Australian made cars and added BMW, Audi, Volvo, Mercedes, Alfa-Romeo, Fiat and Volkswagen cars to the fleet list for the first time.

Treasurer Michael Aird defended the policy, saying the new vehicles were not only better for the environment but were safer, more fuel efficient and had better resale value.

"The Government makes no apologies for taking action to cut its carbon emissions," Mr Aird said.

"When whole-of-life vehicle costs are taken into account, including fuel usage, maintenance costs and resale value, many vehicles now on the Government contract have a lower cost than was previously the case."

Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry senior economist Richard Dowling questioned the size of the Government fleet.

In particular he questioned why some part-time employees were given a car.

"Obviously they should take most appropriate budget costs over the life of the vehicle, that is sensible -- but is the fleet bigger than it actually needs to be for the public service?" Mr Dowling said. "People don't like to see public servants drive around in European cars when losing their job."

Malcolm Little from the Tasmanian Automobile Chamber of Commerce said the support of prestige models came at the expense of the local industry.

"The irony is that the Government has gone to all the trouble of bailing out ACL Bearings, who supply their product to Holden and Ford. And yet they are not allowing public servants to buy the product," Mr Little said.

ACL chairman Ivan James said his company's policy was to always support the local car industry.

"I don't want to give advice to state governments," he said, "but I think it is important for all fleets to support the local industry and I would encourage the community to do the same."




铁竹 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-4-11 18:19:57