

社论:如公牛进了瓷器店 (专业翻译版)

塔州新闻 2014-8-22 10:38:40 阅读 15598 来自: 澳大利亚

(图来源: The Mercury 水星报主编和塔州州长Will Hodgman)


(The Mercury 主编:Matt Deighton)

TASMANIAN Senator Jacqui Lambie’s ill-considered andpolitically immature comments about China have the potential to do greateconomic and cultural harm to her home state.
塔斯马尼亚州(以下简称塔州)议员杰琪·兰比(Jacqui Lambie)不经大脑所发的政治不成熟的言论,可能对其家乡塔州带来经济和文化上的巨大伤害。

Tasmania has invested much effort into building arelationship with China over the past four decades.

More than 30 years ago Doug Lowe was the first Tasmanianpremier to visit the emerging Asian powerhouse, shortly after prime ministerGough Whitlam instigated the China-Australia relationship by becoming the firstWestern leader to visit.
三十多年前,就在总理高夫·惠特拉姆(Gough Whitlam)作为访问中国的第一位西方领导人,促成中澳关系不久之后,道格·洛(DougLowe)成为访问这个亚洲新兴强国的第一位塔州州长。

In May 1980, Mr Lowe signed a historic sister-stateagreement with the Fujian Province and the region’s governor visited here 12months later. These were early days in the friendship, at a time when there wasmuch tension between China and the West.

Since those tentative early days, a chain of Tasmanianpremiers — including Jim Bacon, Lara Giddings and Will Hodgman — have visitedChina on trade missions and cultural tours.
从当时那些试探性的早期友谊以来,多位塔州州长因贸易使团和文化交流访问了中国,包括吉姆·贝肯(Jim Bacon),莱拉·吉丁丝(Lara Giddings)和威尔·郝吉曼(Will Hodgman)。

As a result, the growing superpower now consumes an enormouschunk of the state’s exports. In 2012-2013, China consumed 21 per cent ofTasmanian exports, worth a cool $644 million. This more than doubles ourexports to the United States and is roughly equal to our combined exports toTaiwan, India and Japan.

Economics aside, Tasmania’s relationship with China has awelcome cultural dimension. It has helped break down debilitating stereotypesand prejudices, and forged real friendships.

It is a matter of significant respect and privilege that thePresident of China has personally expressed an interest in visiting Tasmania inNovember, after the G20 meeting in Brisbane.

Of course, we have our differences with China.

As a people who value freedom and individuality, we haveserious difficulty comprehending the restraints of communist doctrine. We havevery real concerns about reported abuses of human rights. And our commitment tofree markets rubs abrasively with a command economy.

However, just a moment of introspection provides enoughembarrassing material to undermine Australia maintaining the “holier than thou”high moral ground. We are not spotless ourselves.

The critical issue is that by keeping discourse open withChina and by building relationships we can work to bridge the gaps and fosterchange. China is very different place today to the place Mr Lowe visited in1980. We have both come a long way.

It is distressing that a Tasmanian senator could put so muchat risk. Her comments were juvenile, shallow and devoid of the prudentconsideration we expect from ou r political representatives.

Dairy success

IT is heartening to know the Tasmanian dairy industry iscontinuing to expand, and even more impressive to hear we are increasing at arate fivefold faster than the rest of the nation.

Dairy is one of the state economy’s bright spots, alongsidemany other farm pursuits, tourism and aquaculture. And it is no secret China isdriving demand for our dairy products.

文章原作:(The Mercury 主编:Matt Deighton)

温馨提示:塔斯马尼亚中文网taschinese.com专稿, 如需转载,请注明出处及译者。





塔州新闻 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



原文:Editorial: Like a bull in a China shop

TASMANIAN Senator Jacqui Lambie’s ill-considered and politically immature comments about China have the potential to do great economic and cultural harm to her home state.

Tasmania has invested much effort into building a relationship with China over the past four decades.

More than 30 years ago Doug Lowe was the first Tasmanian premier to visit the emerging Asian powerhouse, shortly after prime minister Gough Whitlam instigated the China-Australia relationship by becoming the first Western leader to visit.

In May 1980, Mr Lowe signed a historic sister-state agreement with the Fujian Province and the region’s governor visited here 12 months later. These were early days in the friendship, at a time when there was much tension between China and the West.

Since those tentative early days, a chain of Tasmanian premiers — including Jim Bacon, Lara Giddings and Will Hodgman — have visited China on trade missions and cultural tours.

As a result, the growing superpower now consumes an enormous chunk of the state’s exports. In 2012-2013, China consumed 21 per cent of Tasmanian exports, worth a cool $644 million. This more than doubles our exports to the United States and is roughly equal to our combined exports to Taiwan, India and Japan.

Economics aside, Tasmania’s relationship with China has a welcome cultural dimension. It has helped break down debilitating stereotypes and prejudices, and forged real friendships.

It is a matter of significant respect and privilege that the President of China has personally expressed an interest in visiting Tasmania in November, after the G20 meeting in Brisbane.

Of course, we have our differences with China.

As a people who value freedom and individuality, we have serious difficulty comprehending the restraints of communist doctrine. We have very real concerns about reported abuses of human rights. And our commitment to free markets rubs abrasively with a command economy.

However, just a moment of introspection provides enough embarrassing material to undermine Australia maintaining the “holier than thou” high moral ground. We are not spotless ourselves.

The critical issue is that by keeping discourse open with China and by building relationships we can work to bridge the gaps and foster change. China is very different place today to the place Mr Lowe visited in 1980. We have both come a long way.

It is distressing that a Tasmanian senator could put so much at risk. Her comments were juvenile, shallow and devoid of the prudent consideration we expect from our political representatives.

Dairy success

IT is heartening to know the Tasmanian dairy industry is continuing to expand, and even more impressive to hear we are increasing at a rate fivefold faster than the rest of the nation.

Dairy is one of the state economy’s bright spots, alongside many other farm pursuits, tourism and aquaculture. And it is no secret China is driving demand for our dairy products.

http://www.themercury.com.au/new ... 4f64i-1227031523970
回复 · 2014-8-22 10:40:19