


Mao 2009-5-5 17:08:58 阅读 3026 来自: 澳大利亚
Flu cases all clear

May 05, 2009 04:44pm
ALL Tasmanians suspected of suffering human swine flu except one have been given the all-clear.

Health minister Lara Giddings said this afternoon that the six most recent possible cases in Tasmania of the pandemic-type flu – which began last month in Mexico – had not been found to be infected with the specific virus.

Those cleared included an eight-month old baby on the North-West coast, who it was feared may have transmitted the virus within her child care centre since her return from the United States last week.

In total, 13 Tasmanians recently returned from North America with flu-like symptoms have now tested negative to the dangerous new flu strain.

A 66-year old woman in the state’s south is still awaiting the results of testing for swine flu, which should be available early tomorrow.

She remains isolated in her home, but Ms Giddings said the chance of a positive test result appeared remote.

The Health Minister said that while it was relief that no actual cases of human swine flu had been found in Tasmania, vigilance was still required.

Ms Giddings said it was critical the community continued to be alert, and did not relax measures designed to stop the spread of flu and colds such as hand washing, and covering of the mouth when coughing or sneezing.

She also recommended that everyone think of their workmates or school friends and stay at home when they had the early symptoms of flu or a common cold.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... 65_todays-news.html




chinese1986 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-5-5 19:21:04
andy-xu 来自: LAN


回复 · 2009-5-6 09:13:54