

Virgin Blue开通每天堪培拉到HOBART的航线

Mao 2009-2-15 18:52:03 阅读 2799 来自: 澳大利亚
February 12, 2009 08:17am

VIRGIN Blue is starting new daily flights between Canberra and Hobart.

In announcing the new flights yesterday, Virgin Blue said the Hobart-Canberra route would attract both business and tourist passengers.

The airline is cancelling some of its under-performing flights in other regions of Australia and moving them to routes which show greater potential.

Tasmania's tourism industry said the move was a surprise boost in a climate of economic uncertainty.

Tourism Industry Council chief executive Daniel Hanna said the industry had been hoping to merely maintain the current number of flights to Tasmania during the global financial crisis, so it was a major boost to gain a new service.

"This is a very, very welcome surprise," Mr Hanna said.

The new Virgin Blue flights will start from Monday April 6, with $99 one-way internet fares on sale from yesterday.

The flights will leave Canberra daily at 10.45am and arrive in Hobart at 12.15pm. The Hobart flight will depart at 12.45pm and arrive in Canberra at 2.25pm.

Tourism Tasmania chief executive Felicia Mariani said the new service would improve air access to Tasmania.

"Hobart-Canberra has been high on the radar for new route development off the back of the high level of interest shown by ACT residents in wanting to visit Tasmania," she said.

"This is also a very high performing, high-yield route for business travel, an important consideration as airlines evaluate their route efficiencies."

Virgin Blue public relations manager Amanda Bolger said the airline had chosen the Hobart-Canberra route after noticing the high number of travellers who made the journey via a connecting flight with Melbourne.

"We've identified that it's a market of good, strong potential," Ms Bolger said.

Mr Hanna said Canberra was an excellent market to tap into.

He said direct flights always increased patronage, so Tasmania could expect more tourism business from the ACT.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




ellen 来自: 澳大利亚


::zt12::  为什么没有直接去Perth的。。。。
回复 · 2009-2-15 19:14:25
甜甜鼠 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-2-15 19:21:16