


Mao 2009-7-19 09:23:15 阅读 3433 来自: 澳大利亚
Fibre-optic broadband coming

July 17, 2009 08:46am
THE roll out of Tasmania's high-speed, fibre-to-the-home broadband network has begun.

Aurora Energy yesterday posted a tender for the supply of hundreds of kilometres of fibre-optic cable to get the National Broadband Network (NBN) ball rolling.

The State Government-owned electricity retailer is teaming with NBN Co, a new company set up by the Federal Government, to build and operate the network.

Communications, Broadband and the Digital Economy Minister Stephen Conroy said construction was imminent.

Premier David Bartlett said by the second quarter of next year the fibre-optical cables, delivering data at 100 megabits a second, should start arriving at Tasmanian homes and businesses.

New company TNBN Co, jointly owned by Aurora and NBN Co, plans to connect fibre-optic cable to 200,000 Tasmanian households and businesses in the next four years.

Tasmania's remaining premises will be served by wireless or satellite services offering speeds as high as 12 megabits a second.

Senator Conroy said the network would deliver wholesale services, providing a platform for existing providers such as Telstra, Optus, Internode and Primus to sell broadband options.

Mr Bartlett said the network would be a pillar of the state economy, supporting an information technology industry and potentially involving giants such as Apple, Google and IBM.

"This will be as important to Tasmania in the next five decades as hydro-industrialisation was to the last five," he said.

Senator Conroy said Tasmania's broadband disadvantage was about to be turned on its head.

"Tasmania has the slowest and most expensive broadband bar none, and that will change," he said.

Mr Bartlett and Basslink chief executive Malcolm Eccles yesterday launched a commercial service, involving Aurora and Basslink's fibre-optic cable, to break a monopoly held by Telstra.

Mr Eccles said the wholesale service would boost Tasmania's broadband capacity which would lead to cheaper services as competition from new internet service providers kicked in.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




Ava 来自: 中国湖北黄冈


沙发 沙发
回复 · 2009-7-19 10:59:39
jerry72 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-7-19 11:18:25
tata 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-7-19 12:00:34
随便埋伏 来自: 澳大利亚


? bigpond网站上有cable可选 难道不包括塔州?
不过 cable流量的plan最大也才60G 要那么快似乎也没用
回复 · 2009-7-19 22:43:40