


Mao 2008-10-6 08:24:19 阅读 3508 来自: 澳大利亚
South Tassie's home burglary hot spot

October 06, 2008 12:00am

GLENORCHY is the home burglary capital of Tasmania, and residents are significantly more likely to be robbed than those in other areas of the state.

Police figures show that of the 1764 homes burgled in Tasmania in the 2007-08 financial year, the vast majority were in the state's South.

More than 20 per cent of total burglaries across the state were in the Glenorchy police division.

A total of 358 homes were burgled in the Glenorchy division, which extends from Creek Rd at New Town to Granton – an average of almost one a day.

Police said the majority of offenders were youths looking for cash, mobile phones and electrical goods like TVs, DVD players and gaming consoles.

The Glenorchy figures were above other major divisions like Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Bellerive.

And there were a whopping 30 times more burglaries in Glenorchy than in the St Helens division where there were just 12 home burglaries last year.

There were 316 home burglaries in Hobart and 204 in Launceston, followed by Devonport with 190 and Bellerive with 176.

At the other end of the scale there were 19 home burglaries at Queenstown, 32 at Deloraine and 72 in Sorell.

Glenorchy was also a hotspot for car burglaries – but it was actually Hobart where car burglaries were worst.

The Hobart division had 335 car burglaries, 37 times more than more remote parts of the state.

There were a total 1776 car burglaries in Tasmania last year – most of them in southern areas of the state.

Almost 19 per cent of total car burglaries across the state were in Hobart. The next highest was Glenorchy where 319 cars were burgled, Devonport had 314 cars burgled, while in Bellerive there were 200 and in Launceston 199.

In more remote regions, car burglaries were much rarer – the Queenstown division had nine, in St Helens there were only 12 car burglaries last year, 25 at George Town and 30 at Sorell.

The South's Inspector Dave Wiss said each area in Tasmania had different socio-economic factors at play which made it difficult to compare between police divisions.

He said although Glenorchy topped the state for burglaries, crime in the area had actually fallen in recent years.

In the past year alone the total number of reported offences across all crime categories fell by 912 incidents.

Insp Wiss said home burglaries decreased by 27 per cent in the past year while car burglaries dropped about 20 per cent.

He said the drop was a results of a number of factors including greater public vigilance, greater use of computer and DNA technology, better legislation and partnerships between police, councils and neighbourhood watch groups.

Insp Wiss said both car and home burglaries usually involved young offenders who wanted money, mobile phones and electrical goods.

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Young 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2008-10-6 10:43:30
tas2005 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2008-10-6 14:29:12
LoUisa.R.Ly 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2008-10-6 14:36:32
没文化 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2008-10-6 14:49:23
SILENCE 来自: 澳大利亚


::zt61:: ::zt61:: ::zt61::

relatively safe
回复 · 2008-10-6 14:54:20
soju 来自: 澳大利亚


I prefer kingston:loveliness:
回复 · 2008-10-6 15:48:31
business_man917 来自: LAN


kingston is good
回复 · 2008-10-6 17:45:06
chinak 来自: 澳大利亚


nothing wrong where i live i live there over 20 years
回复 · 2008-10-7 00:00:25
yjy2799 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2008-10-7 00:42:41