

霍巴特Cat Center居住时间最长的猫没人要

Mao 2008-11-12 08:45:19 阅读 3480 来自: 澳大利亚

A cat who needs some love

November 11, 2008 08:36am

IF ever a name matched the look, Chumper, one of the the cats home's longest-stay residents, fits the bill.

She arrived at the Hobart Cat Centre in December last year and cat centre general manager Gretchen Meares said Chumper was "sick to death of the other cats".

"She is a tortoiseshell who is inquisitive and friendly and is sick of being confined," Ms Meares said.

With the kitten season now under way, the cat centre is keen for someone to adopt Chumper, the last of a number of long-stay cats awaiting a home.

"When she was brought to us she was four and very fat. She is now close to five and starting to lose a bit of weight but is still very roly-poly," Ms Meares said.

"She loves to eat, she is into comfort eating and has a bit of a mind of her own.

"We love her and adore her but she does need a home, for her own good."

Chumper is desexed and her vaccinations are up to date and she would suit a couple or a single person.

Ms Meares said it was rare to have a cat up for adoption for so long. The longest stay for a cat had been about 18 months.

"The only time we consider [euthanasing] a cat in our adoption pens is if their health or temperament has been compromised because of their stay," Ms Meares said.

The cat centre already had litters of this season's kittens arriving.

Ms Meares said it was important people realised the cat centre needed continued public support.

She said the centre would now microchip all adopted cats and kittens in preparation for the State Government's cat management plan currently under discussion.

Adopting a cat or kitten costs between $125 and $175. The cat centre is at 12 Selfs Point Rd, New Town.




荷包蛋 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2008-11-12 10:57:23