


Mao 2013-3-13 18:59:17 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚

Tasmanian landmarks -- such as Mt Wellington, or kunanyi -- will now be known by their Aboriginal title as well as their introduced name.
TASMANIAN landmarks will be identified using both Aboriginal and introduced names in a bid to highlight the state's history.

And new landmarks will be promoted by their Aboriginal name only as part of a new policy unveiled by the State Government on Mt Wellington - kunanyi.

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Cassy O'Connor this morning described the policy as a significant step in reconciliation.

Tasmania is the last state in Australia to implement a policy recognising Aboriginal heritage when naming and advertising landmarks.

The new Aboriginal and Dual Naming Policy allows for an Aboriginal name and an introduced name to be used together as the official name.

However, dual names would not be adopted for constructed features such as roads, highways, bridges or communication towers.

Premier Lara Giddings used Northern Territory's Uluru, previously known as Ayers Rock, as a landmark that is now universally known by its Aboriginal name.

"Aboriginal people have had a deep, abiding connection with this land for thousands of years," Ms Giddings said.

"Dual naming is about recognising the Aboriginal community's rightful status as the first inhabitants of this land and celebrating their living culture, traditions and language.

"Recognising Aboriginal names for Tasmanian features will help preserve and promote Aboriginal language, which has endured thanks to the committed work of the Aboriginal community."

Ms Giddings said in telling the story of Tasmania it was essential to acknowledge both Aboriginal and European connections to the landscape.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html


Mao 楼主 2013-3-13 19:01:04 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚

苦难咦 ???。。。。

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MR_Matcha 2013-3-14 13:00:13 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
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金刚法爱 2013-4-8 14:44:41 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州

塔斯梅尼亚的陆标 -- 如此的如 Mt 威灵顿 , 或 kunanyi-- 意志现在被他们的原始名称和他们的介绍名字知道。

而且新的陆标将会只有被他们的原住民促进名字当被在 Mt 威灵顿上的州政府揭开的一个新的政策部份 - kunanyi。

原始的事件部长 Cassy O'Connor 今天早晨把政策说成是和解的一个重要的步骤。



然而,双重的名字不被为构造的特征 , 像是道路,公路,桥或沟通塔采用。

劳拉第一的 Giddings 用了北方领土的 Uluru, 先前知道当 Ayers 岩石, 如一个现在被它的原始名字全世界地知道的陆标。

" 原始的人已经以这土地有一个深又长备的连接数千年 ",小姐 Giddings 说。


" 对于塔斯梅尼亚的特征承认原始的名字将会帮助保护而且促进原始的语言,这已经忍耐对原始的团体被委托的工作谢谢 " 。

小姐 Giddings 在说塔斯梅尼亚的故事方面说它是很重要的承认原始的和和风景的欧洲关联。

http:// www.themercury.com.au/art 。。。 _tasmania-news.html
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