


Mao 2009-1-11 20:34:02 阅读 3160 来自: 澳大利亚

Tassie teen attacked by shark

January 11, 2009 07:58pm

A TEENAGE girl is in a stable condition after being bitten by a shark at Binalong Bay on Tasmania's East Coast.

The 13-year-old was swimming at Binalong Bay, near St Helens, in Tasmania's north east when she was bitten on her right leg about  3.45pm on Sunday.

The Scamander girl was surfing with a family member at the time and her surf board was also bitten.

She has been flown to the Royal Hobart Hospital and is in a stable condition.

Witnesses believed the bite came from a five-metre white pointer, Tasmania Police said in a statement.

The girl was treated at the St Helens District Hospital before being flown to Hobart. It is understood she did not sustain life-threatening injuries and was bitten on the calf.

Police have begun a ground and air search for the shark in an attempt to gain further information about its position.  The beaches in and around the Binalong Bay area have been closed until further notice.
It was the second shark attack in Australia on Sunday, with a man surfing on the far north coast of NSW also bitten.
The man was in a stable condition after being bitten on the fleshy part of his left thigh while surfing about 70m offshore.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




nathanxu 来自: 德国


If my memory serves me right, the last person got killed in Tasmania by a shark was back in 1987.  In another word, you are more likely to get killed in a plane crash than get eaten by a shark.  I don't know if she is lucky or unlucky.
回复 · 2009-1-14 01:52:01
茉儿 来自: 中国山东青岛


::zt6:: 拼命对自己说这是个例。
回复 · 2009-1-14 18:06:04
DoUbLeC 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-1-17 19:18:30