

Business Opportunity

danielmee 2015-9-16 20:55:02 阅读 7429 来自: 澳大利亚

We are looking for an experienced foodbusiness operator to take on our property at Cove Hill Shopping Centre. Thesite was previously used as a gourmet sandwich bar and is appropriatelyfitted-out to easily convert to a Chinese restaurant and takeaway outlet. Wewould like to sub-divide this property as show in the plans to include anothertwo shop areas while maintaining all the core operating areas for the foodbusiness.

Currently operating in the centre is a KFC, Dominos Pizza, Kebab Shopand a Fish and Chip takeaway. We feel that this site will be best utilised as aChinese Takeaway. The Brighton area is one of the fastest growing areas ofsouthern Tasmania.

For more information please contact Roberton 0433322313.

All applicants must have experience in Asian cuisine and beadequately financed to take on this project.

Thank you.


