


xiaopangmao 2009-7-3 10:45:59 阅读 3455 来自: 澳大利亚
Our deepest sympathy to the family of this unfortunate lady. This mindless, senseless and tragic action by a number of people here in Tasmania, is in no way indicative of the law abiding community here. To label Tassie as being racist is so very wrong and based only on the actions of a very small percentage of this population. My wife is a recent migrant and has always been greeted and accepted with open arms by the community that she has met. She loves Tasmania and everything here.

Posted by: Frank of Dover 10:05am today
To the parents, relatives and friends of Zhang "Tina" Yu. I sorrow for your loss. I've only known good things of International students both here and in New Zealand. Please do not think we're all like those people who took your daughter's life.

Posted by: Stephan of Hobart 9:47am today
I'm an international student from UTAS and I'll graduate after couple of days. After one month,I'll leave Tassie. It's extremely sad news for international student as each one of us could be the next victim. Do you know why we come to Tassie for study? Because we like this beautiful island and trust the peaceful environment. After Tina's death, the mirror has broken.

Posted by: Hao of UTAS 12:30am today
Australians sometimes wondering why most of asian students,especially Chinese students, don't have much social life. What I am telling you is that we don't like to be hidding ourself at home either. We would love to go outside and have beers with mates.This is what we normally do in China, back to our homeland. In Tasmania, in Hobart, in Launceston, however, we have to be quiet.Because, we don't want to be yielded "Go back China",don't want to be called "Chink" in the pub,neith we don't want thron eggs. This time, we will no be silent!!!

Posted by: A student of Hobart of Hobart 12:21am today
Dear Tina. i miss you so much i can't belive that i can't go out with you anymore and i can't come over to your room and laughing. i shouldn't have let you go on Wednesday hon i miss you so much. i want to see you again. When i saw you first time i was bit frightened coz you have really loud voice you remember? i still feel like you are on holidays or somethin. you can'be...... i still can hear your voice i can still see your face in front of me. i really wouldnt have let you go i'm so sorry hon... I won't forget you forever in my whole life hon i wish i can see you again but i know i can' i'm just wishin that you rest in peace .. i loved you so much and i still love you and i will forever miss you so much love you xoxoxo

Posted by: Bomi Kim of Hobart 9:59pm Thursday
Im sure I speak for all Tasmanians, when I say how shocked and sickened I feel over this senseless murder. I love our state and would hate for anyone to think any less of Tasmania as a result. My sincere condolences to Tinas family and friends....

Posted by: C Smith 8:43pm Thursday
As a Tasmanian I have felt honoured and delighted that parents from other countries trust us with their children here. It is a very great trust. My heart weeps for Zhang Yu's family. Many Tasmanian will feel deeply betrayed by the evil people who shattered that trust. More effort must be made to convey such sentiments to Zhang Yu's family. Some sort of scholarship could be established, to show that Tasmania will not simply forget.

Posted by: jack hassett 8:36pm Thursday
As Tina's friend, i was shocked and upset to get the tragic event.i can't believe that the death has happened around me . We want to draw authorities attentions to guarantee our safty around University.STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS & FEMALE.

Posted by: YeT of Hobart 5:03pm Thursday
this tragedy happend when I'm done with my study and about to leave this beutiful state. My deepest condolences to all family and friends.. one thing that I learnt from my 5 years stay in hobart is that Tasmania is a place where kind, friendly people and bogans co-exist, where you can find yourself around with lovely people and smelly eggs (most of time on your head..)you just need to learn to protect yourself..it's very extreme: those kind people I met are the nicest ever people I met in my life and the bogans the ugliest. My gratitute to all the people who helped ,looked after me and my middle fingers and middle toes to all those people who yelled and threw eggs on me.

Posted by: J of Hobart 3:33pm Thursday
I am truly saddened to hear of this tragic death so colse to my home - it makes me feel so sick.

Posted by: *** 3:25pm Thursday
As Tina's friend, I found it too hard to believe her death, especially being killed and thrown away in the cold forest, it is too shocking and disturbing. She is always cheerful and loves life. I can still remeber the first day I met her, she was wearing sunglasses and smiled to us with her bags of lugguage. She came to Tasmana with hope in study and life, but ended up in death. Her parents just came to see her in May, and had a wonderful stay here, I also asked Tina about her parents' stay, she said her parents love Hobart very much, i cannot imagine just in less than 2 months, her parents will come to here again for a heart-breaking reason. Whatever she did, she didnot deserve being killed, she was just too trustful.It is too early to connect this crime to Racism,but it is sometime young people here be educated, I found people here are very nice and friendly, but just a few young people, or "bogans"as you call them, they are so lack of education, their behaviour to some people(dont know if they only target at Asians) are really a shame of the other people in Tasmania.Why do they dislike Asians? The international students and migrants contribute a lot to Australia's ecomomic development in forms of tuition, accommodation, living expenses, they in turn are given to the local people through welfare. They are contributing rather than consuming the resouses in Australia, more people should be ackowledged with that.May you find a peaceful place in Heaven,Tina.

Posted by: I cried for you of Hobart 2:22pm Thursday
Zhang (Tina) Yu’s death is a tragedy which has struck at the heart of a lot of Tasmanians. I think that this is because many Tasmanians, to some extent, feel partly responsible for her death. Why is this? Tasmanians of European descent have, for many generations, been used to seeing only Caucasian faces. When I first came to UTAS as a student from the North West Coast in 1987 I had, in my entire life, met only one person from Asia: an exchange student at Hellyer College from Hong Kong, with whom I became very close friends. Even in my classes at UTAS in the late eighties, there were very few people of Asian origin or descent. Their presence in those classes was anomalous, but wonderful and exciting. Asian, African and Middle Eastern faces are relatively new to Tasmania and many Tasmanians have had a lot of difficulty adjusting. Racial tendencies, always at least an undercurrent, have become more open and apparent. We may not ever really know whether Tina’s race had something to do with the unforgivable thing that happened to her. It may be that it would have happened to any other young girl out in the early hours. I do know that back in the eighties my Asian friends were subjected to racist taunts on a regular basis, and that it was hard for them to endure. I also know, though, that the more people become exposed to other cultures and the more opportunities there are to meet people of other races, the less racism and xenophobia prevail. It must be so very hard for international students (and for their families), for them to uproot themselves from the safety and comfort of their own families and culture and travel so far to experience a different way of life. At times like this, it would unimaginably difficult. I am so sad that this unspeakable thing has happened to Tina. My deep condolences go out to her family and friends. I do sincerely hope that international students do not see Tina’s passing as symptomatic that international students should not be here in Tasmania, or are not wanted. Please stay, and please continue to come. Your increasing presence here is what contributes to Tasmanians gradually opening their minds and hearts to those precious things that your wonderful cultures have to offer. Nowadays, I often see around Hobart people from all over the world, and it makes me proud that they come here to our beautiful State to study, and hopefully, at least for some, to make this place their permanent home.

Posted by: Linda of Fanklin 10:13am Thursday
I'm truly saddened and very upset to hear about this tragic event...I can't believe something like this has happened in Tasmania and I hope that the government, and every Tasmanian, does something to help the international students to feel safe again after this terrible shake up to the whole community. My heart goes out to Tina's family, my deepest sympathy.

Posted by: Claudia 9:08am Thursday
I dont think this is racial but I think there is a lot of troublemaker bogans in Tasmania. The bogan's own Tasmania and I respect them.

Posted by: crime req of Queensland 9:08am Thursday
Deepest sympathy to the family and friends of this lovely young girl. I hope Tasmania is not heading into the same downward spiral that has been happening in Melbourne. It's a brave person that walks the streets of the CBD after dark in this town. Sentencing needs to be toughened up for people that commit these crimes. People should be able to go about their business in safety and without hindrance

Posted by: Craig of Melbourne 8:39am Thursday
As a Tasmanian I am ashamed and distressed by what has happened to Tina - a young woman who had her whole life to look forward to. My sincere sympathies are with her family and friends. I am not in denial though - it is true Hobart is incredibly racist and there is an element here that is racist and violent - we must confront this element and not tolerate it nor be in denial of it. Mr Hidding says "Tasmania still is an incredibly safe place". But I don't think it is if you are a woman and are asian - it is a racist, very mysoginist society - just ask the students who come here and have posted.

Posted by: angry 8:25am Thursday
Firstly, to Zhang Yu's friends & family I offer my condolences. However, all the rhetoric in this thread seems to be "this is not supposed to happen here", "who'll protect us here" etc and whilst they are valid points, fact is Hobart is not some magic little village where every resident lives in Zoo Lane, gets on like best friends and sits round sipping cups of Tetley's All-Rounders together all day - we are no different to the rest of the World these days, you are safe nowhere - that is reality, unfortunately. We have a town with a lot of social problems, bogans seem to be the main causes of the strife that goes on, and to be honest, it wouldn't matter whether you were Asian, Indian, Australian whatever, bogans will target anybody on the streets - another sad fact of reality - and yes, Hobart is NOT what it used to be. A great pity.

Posted by: Old Hobartian of Hobart 4:32am Thursday
My condolences go out to Zhang Yu's family, and friends, i only got to meet Zhang Yu or Tina as i new her as, she seemed to always be full of light and happiness, she was a great person to talk to, and alwasy gave you something to laugh at. I am from Tasmania, and i feel sorry to hear that any student from outer state or from another country has to put up with any racial remarks or abuse whether it be physical or verbal. This is not acceptable and should not be tolerated, every one that knows Zhang Yu will now have this great loss they feel for someone that was so special, I myself feel so sorry now to be called Tasmanian. I only hope that Zhang Yu now lays at rest. my heart goes out to every person that knows Zhang Yu, I only wish that i could help in some way to make this terrible tragedy never happen again. and I would also like to say to all Asian students or any other foreign students, that not all Tasmanian people are racist. Only ignorant people are like this.

Posted by: Ashamed Tasmanian of Hobart 2:41am Thursday
My deepest condolences to all family and friends. An entirely traumatic and needless act. But please do not make this attack one of racism. Tradgedy happens in every community, regardless of your country. My thoughts to everyone affected.

Posted by: j.Pass of Hobart 1:06am Thursday
Greatest sympathy for this lovely girl's family and friends. I am shocked and saddened to read in the comments that Asian students are suffering from racial attacks. Please know that you are welcome in my city. But like you I don't feel safe in Hobart's darkened streets, I felt safer in the streets of Hong Kong at night. I don't know if this was a racial attack but I do know it's a crime. Love and light to you sweet girl.

Posted by: sadness for home of Hobart 1:04am Thursday
In total shock here..My respects to Tina, may God give her peace.. Ive been here for 4 years, and this is the first such incident. It maybe too early to call this a racial attack, but racism is prime in hobart against its biggest export, education to international student. If word get out that hobart is unsafe for student, UTAS and tasmania will miss out a lot of money.

Posted by: Intl Student of Hobart 12:09am Thursday
IT IS HORRIFIED THAT A LOVELY GIRL WAS KILLED IN HOBART, and hard to imagine that a small, lovely tourism town could has this brutal tragety happened! How can outher travelers and oversease students live safely in hobart and University if the issue is not fairly addressed! TAKE CARE YOURSELF,Tina. XOXO

Posted by: lEO 12:01am Thursday
what a world! It's so un-fair! Tas was considered as the most safety community in entire Australia states. How was this happened here? I feel extremely horror about this tragedy. Who could stop potential danger around us who are living in Tas and love here. God Bless you, Tina!

Posted by: maxwills of launceston 10:44pm Wednesday
The least the Tasmanian Governemt can do is pay ALL expenses for the family to go to Hobart and take their daughter back home. They should not be the slightest out of pocket. Even any fares she paid to come to Tasmaania, and any university fees should be refunded in full without any quibles or request by the Family

Posted by: edward of Melbourne 10:28pm Wednesday
When I travelled throughout China in 1997 I was treated with kindness and respect wherever I went.The friendliness was starkly different to the political media images I have grown up with. I am ashamed that this beautiful young woman,full of life and in her prime has been killed in my country and home town. My heart goes out to the family in their terrible grief and I know that all good thinking people here feel the same. Our sorrow is imeasureable and long lasting.

Posted by: Tasmailbag.com 10:26pm Wednesday
Dear Tina. May you rest in peace forever. Our thoughts are with your family and the many friends you have left behind so tragically. You were always smiling even when you were getting told off at work. I just cant believe how violent this state is becoming especially with racism towards the growing asian community here in sandy bay. Having a business here you see it first hand and it is something that needs urgent attention. Especially if the lovely tasmanian government would still like to keep grabbing their lovely overpriced education feees. Wake up tassie. We are bogan folk with "we dont take too kindly to your type around here attitude"

Posted by: dino di martino of restaurant manager 10:13pm Wednesday
tina i got a ph call today from r boss/friend lina at don cammelos resturnt s/bay lina was very sad for u her prayers r with u around the clock i dident know you but i hear u brought a lot of loughter and smiles into the kitchen u were 1 of the best workers. i left hobart becouse i was attact a few times myself and i was born there it isent a safe place anymore no place in australia is i live in the country and i feel safe here than the city. i was very shocked and sadend to hear about r death.linas.thoughts and prayers r always with u rip

Posted by: jo pepper of n.s.w once of hobart 10:12pm Wednesday
This is awful and really bad to Tasmania's reputation. International students are valuable resource, they not only bring rich 'multiculture' but also contribute millions dollars to Tasmania’s economy every year. I expect Tasmanian government is competent to realise the seriousness of this tragedy, really does things to protect international students and give them an even safer environment to study. I hope you are at peace Tina.

Posted by: John of Launceston 10:09pm Wednesday
I still remember the first time I came here, I feel so warm that when I was walking on the street, people who walk pass always show me the friendly smile. Their smile just as beautiful as this state. I called my parents in China and told them how happy I was and what a beautiful life I had in here. However, in the following years I started went through the same things as every other international students had been through in Tasmania such as racial attacts, verb abused and been thrown eggs. I started to fear about this beautiful city, fear to go out at night. How can we have a good social life in this community if we live in fears? In order to make my parents no to worry about me, I have to keep telling them how happy I am to live here and leave the suferring to myself. Now the tragedy had happened, we all feel sad and angry. If the government would pay more attention to the raicial and international students' safty issues earilier, this might not be happened! God bless you my friend Tina, enjoy your peaceful life in heaven.

Posted by: Bei Fen of Tasmania 10:06pm Wednesday
whatever happened is very sad and definitely my condolence are with Tina's friends and family. this incident indicate that government need to work to provide better safety and security to every international students. and we hope that all Australian people will help government to restore and maintain safety for international students.

Posted by: Arpan of hobart 9:40pm Wednesday
I give my deepest sympthy to Tina's family and friends. I'd like to question that who is going to take the responsibilities to look after those overseas students, who are so young so pure so innocent so vulnerable. They believe Australia is a well developed contry with highest preciples. I just lost my loved friend who were former TAFE student three days ago, none cares about his depression from study, none cares about his suffering, so that he felt no hope and helpless, he commited suicide, what a terrible tragedy! I wanna ask what the education institute are doing, they only make school as a frofitable business I feel ashamed for them. Nice trip to Heaven Tina, Nice trip to Heaven my friend

Posted by: HuiFu of Hobart 9:03pm Wednesday
I am extremely sad that this has happened to this poor girl. It is very disturbing about how little respect people have for their fellow human beings no matter what their ethnic background is!

Posted by: Lesley Wakefield 8:44pm Wednesday
Things are pretty ugly here, especially in Sandy Bay. We Asian are treated in a terrible way. Being yelled and thrown was not the life in Australia that we heard back in our country.

Posted by: Ty of Hobart 8:30pm Wednesday
Firstly I wish to express not only the sadness but also the sickness that I feel over the shocking death of 'Tina', a terrible waste of a beautiful young life. There is no order of words that one can say to her parents or her family and friends both here and in China. The number of stories I have heard over the last few years relating to racist attacks on international students disgusts me, as in this day and age this type of behaviour shouldnt exist. What is the mentality of a person who behaves in this way? Please reassure me that it isnt other uni students dishing out this type of abuse, as if it is maybe they should be kicked out of the system. I agree with others saying that this young ladies death has cast a very dark shadow over Tasmania. Deepest condolences to her family and friends, may 'Tina' fly with the angles as she rests in peace.

Posted by: Tex of Tasmania 7:42pm Wednesday
As an x student who travelled all the way to Hobart from the mainland, my eyed were opened to what a beautiful place Tasmania is. So beautiful I decided to eventually call it home after several years of Travel. On recent return there has been a clear increase in the number of overseas students who may do the same. Yu sounded like the many fun loving students, travellers, and locals that all enjoy time out with friends however this common activity has come to a tragic end for one innocent person. I have a sense of despair on reading about this case and hope that current and future overseas students are supported in as many ways possible. I send my deepest condolences to family and friends of yu.

Posted by: Ben Curry of West Hobart 5:44pm Wednesday
this is an awful tragedy, especially to happen in hobart. supposedly in the whole of australia. my sympathies to her family and friends. as for the racism issue, im really getting sick of our racist attitudes, seriously people!! grow up and have some respect. i know most people respect our foreign communities but they aren't bludging off the system like some of the ones who display racist tendencies. why cant we all just get along? RIP

Posted by: kim of mornington 5:42pm Wednesday
Firstly, I would like to offer my heartfelt condolences to Ms Zhang's parents. It is a terrible crime and one that has shaken the entire Tasmanian community, not just the international students. There are some comments which need addressing, however. Firstly, there is no evidence at all that this was a racist attack. At this stage we do not know what happened. Please do not leap to the conclusion that this was a hate crime on the basis of the victim's race. I'm sorry that other international students have experienced racist attacks. This should not happen, but at this stage we have no evidence that this is what happened to Ms Zhang. Secondly, no place is 100% safe. It doesn't matter where you are. Once again, this is a tragedy. May Ms Zhang's family and friends be able to remember her as she was, and not how she died.

Posted by: Anouk 5:41pm Wednesday
I am deeply disgusted by this incident. I have been studying in Hobart for almost 4 years now, and for the first time, I feel like my safety is at risk. This would have shaken all the international students studying in Hobart, and people are scared to even set foot outside after dark now. I really do hope that the authorities/government will do something about it, anything. This is such a disgrace to the Tasmanian community. And I send my deepest regards to Zhang Yu and her family. I understand how hard it is to adjust to new surroundings in a different country, and it truly a very unfortunate event.

Posted by: Alvin of South Hobart 5:39pm Wednesday
The comments on these pages are small in number but they all contain the same message. Most people would be shocked at what has happened.

Posted by: jimmy 5:16pm Wednesday
we can no longer accept racism in tasmania...

Posted by: pete of new town 5:09pm Wednesday
I am shocked that a student at UTAS, where I work, has been killed. My Heart goes out to her family and friends.

Posted by: Dave of Kingston 4:50pm Wednesday
I am so saddened by this news and offer my best wishes to your family in this terrible time and hope they receive strong support both from China and Australia. This is a terrible tragedy to happen. I left Australia for another country and was welcomed by locals and have received very little racism. I'm disappointed to hear from the people above that they have not been treated so kindly, in my own home land, and I pray this will improve. Again condolences to the family of Zhang Yu.

Posted by: Sorry Zhang Yu of Tasmania 4:49pm Wednesday
Regardless of whether the horrific act of murder was racially motivated (everybody is assuming that it was), nobody deserves to die like that. RIP Yu.

Posted by: ex uni student residing in Glenorchy of Australia 4:16pm Wednesday
I am really disappointed with Hobart, which i thought should be a peaceful and suitable place for international student. I would never recommend people come to here instead of mainland, as it lost its attractive and exists lots of safety issues. I hope the victim will get peace, and this kind of things will never happen again.

Posted by: Jessie 4:15pm Wednesday
Its terrible to read these comments, its sad and what a tragic death of an international student who thought hobart would be a safe place to study and learn.

Posted by: carmen santis 3:52pm Wednesday
Go ask the racist bastards in Sandy Bay what they think about international students. It's sickening. Rest in peace Zhang "Tina" Yu. In your name, we'll keep fighting.

Posted by: Sos of Sandy Bay 3:45pm Wednesday
Wow!! I thought Tassie was safe for students especially those from far off places such as China, India, Malaysia. Looks like the notion of a safe environment is just another advertising gimmick. When I came here two years back I thought this is the place for me. But after witnessing all these incidents over the months, I really don't want to stay here. I dont think anyone wants to come this far away from home to be treated like this. I mean, is this what we pay for?? This is a way too high a price to pay! The words of politicians and educational institutions are mere empty promises. As though a radical change will happen next! In a week or two this incident will be forgotten and someone else will get beaten or killed. Tina, may your soul rest in peace. Love and blessings!

Posted by: Gerodin of Sandy Bay 3:36pm Wednesday
Yu, I hope you are at peace. I am so sad that you were treated so badly. Leon (previous international student comment) I read your comment and my spine is tingling at the racial hurt you experienced in Tasmania. We are selfish people becasue we don't know how good we have it in Tasmania: fresh air, good food, good people or so I thought. Yu, I hope your family try to find peace in the coming years, I have a daughter of my own and I would hate to loose her to the cowards of this world. Love and best wishes wherever you are. Emma Ikin

Posted by: Emma Ikin of Midway Point 3:24pm Wednesday
What has happened to Tasmania? I would like to pass on my respects to Zjang Yu's family and friends and hope the government will act to take away the fears you have about your safety

Posted by: Richard of Launceston 3:20pm Wednesday
Racial attacks do happen to most of asian students in Tasmania!!!!If you randomly find one and ask him/her, has she/he been ever discriminated or racially attacked in Tasmania. You would know what is happening on everyday to us. We are a very quiet group. We don't like violence,being thrown eggs for no reasons, neither being verb abused just because we are Asian. Please!!!!!!!!!!!Educate your youths and let them be friendly after a night out.

Posted by: Dg of Hobart 3:17pm Wednesday
Why there are so many hurts about chinese???? I cannot feel any satety here, I am so disappionted!! I miss our country, this would never happened in my country I believe that chinese people are so kind to treat the foreigners espeacially overseas students! Who can protect us??

Posted by: Leon of Sandy Bay 2:37pm Wednesday
Tina, the way we have called her, was loving and caring for sure. I still remeber you helped us a lot when we were packing up to leave Hobart. You saw us off, three guys with a luggage-filled car last December. You knew why we determined to leave Tasmania. We all experienced racial attacks in that bloody beautiful city. This February, I flew back there to finish off my last teaching comittment with the Uni., it was my rudeness to stop by for an urgent letter at midnight. Wakened by me, you showed only kind smile and forgiveness. Yesterday, we were noticed of your sad news. Shocked but somewhat forseen, we informed Tasmanian state government about this potential danger to Chinese students in early 2007. We also asked for help from the University of Tasmania. We asked for protection and interference to stop the crimes of attacking Asian students. But, to our sadness, we received political repression, for which my scholarship was threatened to be cancelled as 'they' thought people like us are trouble-maker. Then, we had to leave the Uni. and the state. Tina, your tragedy might be a powerful weapon to draw back the conscience of those num big guys and those local racists. Your tragedy might be able to put a layer of protection to the local international students. In this sense, you are an angel in the heaven watching and caring more. Your friend Lyn at Canberra made numerous phonecalls to Hobart last night trying to confirm that you are still alive. Do you know it in the heaven? Gary told his OZ workmates about your sad news in Canberra, and they cried for you. Tina, wish you are enjoying the absolute peace in the heavn not to witness the ugly aspects of this human world. Bye!

Posted by: Leon of once-hobart 2:21pm Wednesday
I feel sick at heart that this should happen to anyone, but it seems so much worse that they should die so far from home and their family. To Zhang Yu's family and friends, may I express my profound sadness at your loss.

Posted by: Jim B of Lindisfarne 2:18pm Wednesday
Love and blessings to Yu. Her death should raise concerns to all the international students in Tasmania. We all believed that Tasmania should be a peaceful and safe place to study and live. In fact, lots have experience racial discrimination since they arrived, and many think it is really difficult to live here because of racism. I strongly hope there would be more public eyes can be raised from this lesson and to start against racism, and the state government should realise it is a big issue that the state needs to overcome. I cannot judge that all Asians don't have racism, but I truely believe that we were educated not to have any racial discrimination since we were at school. How about Tasmanians?

Posted by: Richard JIA of Hobart 1:56pm Wednesday
It shouldn't have happened in Tasmania, a save and peaceful state. It really rang the safety alarm for all the International Students who are studying in Tas.

Posted by: Tony 1:46pm Wednesday
What is the mentality here? What happens and why it happens? Is it the time to leave even I just came here???Too many questions for me to answer at this moment...

Posted by: Cry for Hobart of Sandy Bay 1:43pm Wednesday
I'm still in shock!!!How can it happen??!!!I'm a newcomer and also a Chinese student in UTAS,and will begin my course next week.So sad to hear the awful news!!!!!!!My friends and I are scared to walk alone on streets,especially when it's dark outside!!Who can protect us??How can we get rid of unsafty issues???

Posted by: You Zhou of Hobart 1:17pm Wednesday
To Jun Xu: Tasmanians everywhere are feeling the pain of the international student community on the shocking death of one of your members. The international students are a very welcome group. To lose a beautiful young woman whose family have sent her to study with such high hopes for her future is difficult for us to comprehend. Please understand that we are very sad at what has happened, and that we value your presence in our city.

Posted by: nadia of Sandy Bay 1:16pm Wednesday
Love and Blessings to Miss Yu's family and friends at this terrible time.

Posted by: Diane of Hamilton 1:09pm Wednesday
Love and Blessings to Miss Yu's family and friends at this terrible time

Posted by: Diane of Hamilton 12:56pm Wednesday
Such a horrible, tragic & unnecessary thing to happen. Deepest felt sympathy to Miss Yu's family and her friends. I too, cannot believe such a thing could happen in my own suburb. Tasmania's reputation as a safe friendly place to live just had a 20 year setback.

Posted by: Disgusted of Sandy Bay 12:42pm Wednesday
Hobart is slightly more dangerous than many parts of Australia and China.

Posted by: crime req 12:40pm Wednesday
I was stunned to hear of this tragedy. As soon as I heard the report she was missing last week I suspected the worst. As noted in the article, being Chinese means than Zhang Yu was an only child; it is appalling that this has happened here in Hobart (or anywhere for that matter). My deepest condolences to her friends and family. How sad that we have let Hobart become such a bogan city that something like this happens here.

Posted by: Shaun of Hobart 12:33pm Wednesday
I am now ashamed to be a resident of this beautiful state,my deepest sympathy's go to Tinas friends and family, never blame yourself those who knew her.

Posted by: shady of north hobart 11:50am Wednesday
A terrible, terrible tragedy. Such unnecessary loss should never occur, let alone in our safe, sentimental Hobart. Strength to family and friends.

Posted by: Tbone of Hobart 11:19am Wednesday
To Miss Yu's family I send my deepest sympathy. Words cannot describe how embarrased, disgusted and ashamed I am, that we cannot protect a young person who has come to our beautiful country, especially beautiful Tasmania. What a horrible thing to have happened to her. I am so sorry for her family who thought she would be safe here..Also deepest sympathy to her friends here in Tasmania.

Posted by: Kara 11:10am Wednesday
Such a shock for her family and friends and the caring people of Tasmania. Deepest sympathy and prayers to all her family and friends.

Posted by: Jen of Hobart 10:35am Wednesday
I'm also an international student studying in Tasmania. I'm deeply concerned with my safety here. I'm hearing two different voices: for one, Tasmania is among the safest states of Australia; for the other, international students are harrassed. Should I stay here or go to somewhere else?

Posted by: Jun Xu 10:32am Wednesday
What a sad thing to happen to such a lovely young woman. My thoughts go out to her parents and friends.

Posted by: mary of mt nelson 10:31am Wednesday
A dreadful thing to have happened! My sympathies.

Posted by: Sharon of West Hobart 10:29am



hfwang 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-7-3 12:14:10
Cort 来自: LAN


回复 · 2009-7-3 14:00:04
xiaopangmao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


他们LOCAL 也说了 是一些WHITE TRASH 和IGNORANTS  这次集会的标语我觉得不应该写关于歧视方面的事情  毕竟是少数人 所以就追思为中心
szyun 发表于 2009-7-3 14:55

回复 · 2009-7-3 15:03:22
VovO 来自: 澳大利亚


嗯嗯~~ 很多人很nice的…… 你走在国内的路上会有人对你微笑么…… - -||| 不当你神经才怪额~~
回复 · 2009-7-3 15:33:38
constantine 来自: 澳大利亚


hfwang 发表于 2009-7-3 12:14

回复 · 2009-7-4 00:24:11