

AIP 塔州留学移民中介机构现招实习生2名-待遇优

aip_tasmania 2017-3-14 20:44:53 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
公司名称: AIP 塔州留学移民就业
经验要求: 不限
签证需求: 工作签证 永居签证 
性别要求: 不限
学历要求: 不限
招聘人数: 2
工资水平: 面议
联系人: AIP Tasmania
手机号: 0422145076

因公司业务需求, AIP 塔州留学移民就业 现在特聘请2名实习生。

转正全职后,按照澳洲award rate 年薪+案例提成。

工作时间:周一到周五, 10.30am - 5.30pm。

英语要求:英语口语流利,能够无障碍地与塔州学校招生负责人交流;具有良好的英语书面写作与表达。雅思/PTE 成绩优异者优先考率。

有意者请发送简历和cover letter到:aiptas179@gmail.com
AIP Tas.jpg


aip_tasmania 楼主 2017-3-17 16:19:25 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
Dear candidates,
Thank you for your applications for our AIP Trainee positions.

Up to now, we have received over 30 applications, out of which 10 candidates have been selected for interview face to face or over the phone.
We are amazed by the competitiveness and quality of these applicants. Some candidates even graduated from top class universities while some others had work experience in migration law firms previously.

However, AIP Tasmania has to select only two candidates who fulfil all the selection criteria. Our decision is based on three essential criteria. Firstly, the candidates successfully demonstrate their passion for this industry and are prepared to work for a long term. Secondly, they have related experience in education and migration field. Last but not least, good English communication skills, written and verbal, render enormous advantage to this position.

Hopefully, AIP Tasmania has given some advice for future candidates and sincerely wishes you good luck with job hunting.
For those who have not been offered the internship, your application will be stored in our database and we will consider your application with priority if a similar position is available in the future.

Warm regards,

AIP Tasmania Education, Migration & Career

17 Mar 2017


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eveyandayso 2017-3-20 18:56:49 来自手机 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
Dear HR manager
Are you still considering candidates for this position ? When is you due day for this job application ?
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nica8866 2017-3-27 13:01:07 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 nica8866 于 2017-3-27 13:02 编辑

老板,我有这行的从业经验,我帮过几个同学搞过visa的, 探亲,州担,PR我都搞过,我一直想转成象你们这样的professional的,苦于没有机会,另外,我英语good,比楼上这位要强,  我可以无障碍地与塔州学校招生负责人交流,   跪请老板给机会, 我的wechat: tasfurniture,谢谢了
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