


LexieLiu 2017-5-13 10:53:33 阅读 6372 来自: 澳大利亚

我们的口语活动已经进行了五十三期了! 活动现在得到了塔大官方微信及塔州留学生联合组织(即大家常说的中国学生会CSSA)的支持和推荐!还有各位语言基础很好的同学也都在活动中热心帮助其他同学~ 总之非常感谢大家!





活动地点是TUU society room (commonwealth 银行楼上),时间现在是每周二晚6点到7点半,也可以提前离场。

现在我们希望能够有更多人参与活动,这样我们可以有足够的理由来开每周的第二场活动,满足大家不同的时间需求。另一个活动时间备选是 周四晚上6点~


我叫Lexie,塔大Master of Teaching 毕业,现在在霍巴特和郎塞的某两所学校教汉语。我的口语成绩是8或者8.5,最初开始这个活动是因为自己考了一次7.5,希望跟朋友一起练习口语,不小心坚持了下来。我的口语提上去了,但是活动还是希望能继续,因为这个活动已经成了我生活的一部分,我也很喜欢看到来参加活动的同学口语分数的提高。


1.      Does your name have any special meaning?
Are there any special customs that are followed when Chinese people name their children?
Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their names?
How are Chinese names and Western names different?
Do Chinese people ever change their names?

2.      Are you a patient person?
Is it important to be patient?
Is it easy to be patient?
How can people be patient?
How to develop people’s patience?
Have ever you lost your patience before?

3.      Describe something you have shared with others.
You should say:
   What you shared
   Who you shared it with
   Why you shared it
And explain how you felt after sharing it with others.

Do you like share things?
Do you think children should learn how to share?
How would you teach ‘sharing’ if you had a kid?

4.      Describe a law which is helpful for your country’s environment.
You should say
   What the law is
   How you first learned about this law
   Why the environment benefits from this law.
And explain why you think this is a good law.

What can residents do to protect the environment?
Do you think is it necessary to create new laws to protect the environment?
How should those who break the laws be punished?
How should we teach children to obey school rules?
What might be the best treatment for those who always break the rules?

5.  Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time.
You should say:
What sport it is
How you would learn it
What equipment you would need to play this sport
And explain why you want to learn this sport.

What’s the most popular sport in your country?
Do most of the young people play sports regularly in your hometown?
Do you prefer to play sports alone or in a group?
Is it necessary to add sports into course curriculum for teenagers?
How to prevent injuries when playing the sports?

6.      Describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you
You should say:
   What the news are about
   Where you saw/heard the news
   When you saw/ heard the news
And explain why it was interesting.

