

Leica M9 & Leica X1

Mao 2009-9-9 22:49:16 阅读 10280 来自: 澳大利亚

LEICA发布会马上开始了~今天apple和leica都开发布会哈 都有好东西

Leica M9 终于全画幅了!~
Picture format/
Image sensor
5270 x 3516 pixels (18.5 Megapixel) CCD chip, active area approx. 23.9 x 35.8 mm 5212 x 3472 pixels (18 Megapixel)
(corresponding to usable format of analog Leica M models).

Shutter speeds For aperture priority (A) continuously adjustable from 32 s to 1/4000 s. For manual setting 8 s to 1/4000 s in half steps,
B for long exposures of any duration (in conjunction with self timer T function, i. e. 1st release = shutter opens, 2nd release
= shutter closes), (1/180 s) fastest shutter speed for flash synchronization.

Leica M9的宣传书



Mao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


Leica M9 and hands-on preview

LEICA M9: Get the Full Picture        
        LeicaCamera AG today announces the world’s first digital rangefinder camerawith a full-frame 24 x 36mm sensor. As the world’s smallest full-framesystem camera, the LEICA M9 continues the long heritage of the Leicarangefinder system, and unites more than 50 years of continuoustechnical improvements to the M System with cutting-edge digitaltechnology.
        The successful combination of ahigh-resolution image sensor, the superior performance of Leica Mlenses and sophisticated processing ensures the best imaging results,making the camera perfect for all fields of photography from reportageand ‘available light’ to the capture of discreet, spontaneous images.
        The18 megapixel image sensor, specifically designed and developed for theM9, enables capture of the full 35-mm film format without anycompromise. All M lenses mounted on the LEICA M9 therefore offer thesame focal length as originally intended, and the enormous potentialperformance of the current M lens portfolio, with focal lengths from 16to 135mm, is now fully exploited in an M digital camera for the veryfirst time.
        Furthermore, the M9 sensor features a newlydeveloped glass sensor cover designed to guarantee the suppression ofthe infrared portion of the light spectrum, avoiding the need to mountspecial UV/IR filters.
        Leica has listened tophotographers’ requests for quick access to essential features on theM9. One example is the new ISO adjustment button, which simply requiresthe user to hold down the ISO button whilst turning the dial to selectthe required setting – rather than having to access it via a menu. Inaddition, all other functions important for everyday photography areaccessible by pressing the set button.
        At just 139 × 37× 80mm, the LEICA M9 maintains the compact size of the LEICA M8,despite the considerably larger sensor. The robust, one-piece, fullmetal housing, made from a high-strength magnesium alloy, combined witha solid brass top and bottom plate, provide perfect protection for thecamera in all photographic situations. For photographers, this all addsup to absolute reliability over decades of use.
        TheLEICA M9 is available in two different styles: a standard black with‘vulkanit’ finish, and for the first time, a version in steel-grey withclassic leatherette finish.
        M9 Sensor
        The CCD, specially developed by Kodak for the LEICA M9, has beenoptimised to exploit the particular qualities of the Leica M lenssystem. As a result, the LEICA M9 achieves the highest resolutionvalues, which in turn guarantee outstanding image quality.
        TheM9 sensor employs further advanced and meticulously-designed microlenses with a low refractive index. The micro lenses at the sensoredges are laterally displaced towards the image centre to match thecharacteristics of M lenses precisely. This optimised micro lens designcaptures and concentrates even the most oblique rays on the sensor, andreliably prevents image brightness fall-off at the edges and corners ofthe image. As a result, all existing Leica M lenses maintain their fullperformance when used for digital photography.
        A moiréfilter has not been integrated, allowing full exploitation of thesuperb resolution of Leica M lenses. Any moiré patterns occurring areeliminated in the camera’s signal processing software. The optimisedsignal–noise ratio reduces the need for digital post-processing, andresults in high-contrast, high-resolution exposures with natural colourrendition from corner to corner.
        Performance criteria, such as the individual coating of each element,have long been a Leica standard. For the first time, the immenseperformance potential of the M lenses is fully maintained and can beexploited for digital photography. In line with Leica’s commitment tosystem compatibility, almost all Leica M lenses built since 1954 canstill be used on the new M9, as a result of their mechanical andoptical precision.
        The M9 sensor demands aparticularly high spatial resolution, as offered by the latest Mlenses. Their high resolution and efficient correction of opticalaberrations make them all the more suitable for digital use. Current Mlenses are supplied with a 6-bit code on the bayonet mount that isscanned optically by the M9. Using this coding, the M9 can compensatefor any vignetting effects, if required. In addition, the lens type isrecorded in the EXIF data and, when using the latest flash units suchas the LEICA SF 58, automatically adjusts the reflector to match thefocal length of the lens attached.
        The viewfinder / rangefinder system
        The Leica viewfinder / rangefinder system sets the LEICA M9 apart fromSLR and compact digital cameras and makes it particularly suitable forreportage, ‘available light’ and discreet portraiture. Photographersbecome part of the action and frame their subject in the viewfinder,while still being able to see the full scene outside the viewfinderframe. The decisive moment can be anticipated and captured at preciselythe right instant, resulting in particularly authentic images.
        Theclear view of the subject remains during the full exposure and, even inthe most adverse lighting conditions, the bright, high-contrastviewfinder guarantees extremely fast and precise focusing. The minimaldelay between shutter release and capturing the shot, together with theviewfinder / rangefinder system, positions Leica M cameras amongst thefastest in the world.
        TheLEICA M9 features a new, microprocessor-controlled, particularlysilent, metal-leaf, focal-plane shutter that enables shutter speeds ofup to 1/4000 seconds. This means that the photographer still hascomplete creative freedom by using selective focus at maximumapertures, even in bright situations. The short flash synchronisationspeed of 1/180 seconds enables daylight flash exposures with selectivefocus.
        Together with its compact form, the camera’salmost silent shutter is another enormous advantage for discreet andunobtrusive photography. Photographers can also select the appropriatemoment for re-cocking the shutter. When longer exposure times requiringan extremely steady camera stance are essential, a slight pressure onthe shutter release button in ‘soft release’ mode is sufficient.
         Intuitive handling
        The M9 offers a simple, clearly laid-out and intuitive menu system thatconcentrates purely on the essentials; eliminating any multifunctionbuttons or complex menu hierarchies. The key control is an intuitivefour-way switch and dial combination that enables fast menu navigation.Pressing the set button calls up the capture menu on the 2.5" monitor,and the most commonly-used functions are quickly and easily set in themenu: sensor sensitivity, exposure correction, white balance,image-data compression and resolution. Furthermore, favourite profilescan be named and saved for quick and easy access.
        Sensitivityranges from ISO 80 for wide-open apertures on bright days to ISO 2500.Very low-noise and finely detailed images are achieved throughout thesensitivity range, even at the highest settings, while the low noisecharacteristics, low-vibration shutter and fast lenses make the M9 theperfect camera for ‘available light’ photography.
        Innovative flash technology
        TheLEICA M9’s M-TTL flash technology enables both precise and creativecontrol over flash and mixed lighting effects. Prior to the actualexposure, a measuring flash is emitted that is metered through thelens. The flash power is then precisely determined according to thenatural lighting situation. Due to the precise and delicate level offlash illumination, the natural lighting mood is maintained. Incombination with aperture priority exposure mode, the auto-slow syncfunction ensures a particularly subtle lighting of the subject.
        Tonal value histogram
        The LEICA M9 offers an RGB tonal value histogram, which can bedisplayed at any time for image assessment, and is available inconjunction with automatic image review. A clipping warning indicatingany overexposure of the image is also included. These two qualitycontrol tools are updated during zooming, allowing the quality of eventhe finest image details to be assessed.
        Digital workflow
        Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, a professional digital workflow solution forApple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, is available as an onlinedownload for all LEICA M9 customers. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom offers avast range of functions for the management, processing and presentationof digital images, whether in JPEG or DNG format. If the images aresaved as raw data in Adobe Digital Negative Format (DNG), AdobePhotoshop Lightroom guarantees direct and high-quality image processingwith maximum image quality. The 14-bit-per-channel colour informationcaptured by the image sensor is maintained throughout the processingworkflow until the final presentation, and ensures that the mostdelicate tonal differences are preserved.
        Build quality and materials
        Experienced Leica technicians in Germany are responsible for theassembly and calibration of the M9 camera bodies, as well as theprecise testing of all mechanical and electrical components. Inaddition to the solid brass top and base plate and magnesium alloybody, several other structural features of the camera will ensure along and reliable working life. The rechargeable battery and SD cardslot are protected from dust and moisture under the base plate, whilethe locking mechanism prevents unintentional opening and the possibleloss of the battery and SD card, even under the hardest reportageconditions.
         Sensor cleaning
        The LEICA M9 offers a special function for manual sensor cleaning:selecting the appropriate item from the menu and pressing the shutterrelease locks the shutter open to allow access to the sensor forcleaning purposes. Thanks to the short register of Leica M cameras, thesensor is easier to access than in a DSLR camera, where the sensor islocated behind the mirror box and shutter assembly.
        Pricing and availability
        The LEICA M9 will be available in the UK from 9 September 2009 at asuggested retail price of £4,850 inc VAT. For further details and alist of authorised dealers including the new Leica Store Mayfair,please visit www.leica-camera.co.uk.
        Additional images        
Click here for our detailed hands-on preview of the Leica M9
(including full detailed specifications)
回复 · 2009-9-9 23:40:33
Mao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


Leica X1 brief hands-on            
            It'shard to think of a recent product announcement less expected, yet inretrospect more logical than Leica's fixed lens, large sensor compact,the X1. With the company's long-standing cooperation with Panasonic, itseems everyone was expecting to see a Leica-branded version of the'rangefinder-esque' GF1 Micro Four Thirds compact. But perhaps Leicafelt that very design philosophy came too close to treading on the toesof its M series, and instead chose to pursue another of itshistorically strong product sectors with a fixed lens compact designedfor the discerning photographer. The result is, therefore, not the'digital CLE', but rather the 'digital CM', designed and built inGermany and sporting a non-interchangeable 35mm-equivalent F2.8 lens.
            Duringour recent visit to the company's Solms Headquarters we were amongstthe first group of people from outside the company to be introduced tothe X1, and have to say it's a very attractive camera indeed. Shorn ofthe stylistically-challenged bolt-on grip that appeared on theinevitable internet-leaked picture, it resembles nothing so much as aminiaturized M with more curvaceous, even feminine styling (to theextent of sharing Leica's new 'steel gray' finish with the M9). It's anintriguing mix of the traditional and the modern; the top-plate playshost to analogue-style shutter speed and aperture dials, but at heartthis is a bang up-to-date design that behaves much like a moderncompact, just with a 12Mp APS-C sensor inside.
            In the hand            
            Withthe X1, Leica becomes the first company to challenge Sigma in thelarge-sensor, fixed lens compact market. Yet while the camera issimilar in size to the DP1 and DP2 twins, the design concept couldn'tbe more different, with the curves and dials of the X1 in starkcontrast to the DPs' boxy utilitarianism and button-driven interface.Here an accessory optical finder is fitted to the hot shoe.
These two views give an idea of the comparatively petite dimensions of the X1.
On the left side of the body is this cutely-styled circular pop-up flash.The lens retracts into the body when the camera is turned off
The rear of the camera will be immediately familiar to M8 users, and sports a DP-like thumb wheel for manual focusing. The menu system is also distinctly reminiscent of the M8 (and M9).
            Here'sthe X1 showing off its distinct family resemblance to the M9.Everything's been slimmed down to minimize size, but the rounded sides,shutter speed dial, and top-plate power/drive mode switch thatsurrounds the shutter button are all present and correct.
          Finallyhere's the X1 nestling in between the M9 and the D-Lux 4. The X1'ssensor is almost 10x the area of that in the D-Lux 4, so inevitably thecamera is a bit larger. But while the smaller camera also finds spacefor a fast wideangle zoom lens, the X1 promises much better handlingand image quality.
            Press Release:
            LEICA X1: Photography as spontaneous as life itself            LeicaCamera AG has announced the X1. Designed and made in Germany by Leicaengineers, this camera is set to become a future classic. The desirableLEICA X1 achieves exceptionally high resolution and quality for acamera of such small dimensions, and will set new standards.
            TheLEICA X1 is equipped with a 12.2 megapixel CMOS sensor in APS-C format,as found in much larger DSLR cameras. This sensor, combined with theall-purpose LEICA ELMARIT 1:2.8/24 mm lens, offers outstanding picturequality comparable with professional cameras. Furthermore, the X1’stechnical specifications and broad spectrum of setting options – frommanual to automatic operation – makes it a perfect companion forcreative photographers, while the compact size means it can be carriedat all times – ideal for capturing those unique, spontaneous moments inlife.
            The large sensor area of the individual pixelson the CMOS sensor receive more light, guaranteeing low noise levels,high dynamic range and accurate colour differentiation. The crop factorof the sensor is 1.5 in comparison with 35mm film format, which meansthe fixed-mount LEICA ELMARIT 1:2.8/24 mm lens is transformed into auniversal reportage lens with an effective (35mm equivalent) focallength of 36mm. This is a true classic amongst prime lenses and hascaptured innumerable iconic images in history.
            PeterKruschewski, product manager digital compact cameras at Leica CameraAG, commented, “The LEICA ELMARIT 1:2.8/24 ASPH is a true Leica lenswith terrific optical performance. Its moderate wide-angle charactercreates sufficient distance when needed, but still allows photographersto get in close to pick out the details whenever the situationrequires. This lens ensures that photographers won’t miss any shot,situation or detail, however fine.”
            Thestraightforward design of the X1 is strongly reminiscent of thelegendary Leica M cameras. This, in combination with its robust,all-metal construction and tactile, high-quality leather trim, makesthe X1 typically ‘Leica’.
            The LEICA X1 offersclearly laid-out, intuitive functions. For ‘uncomplicated’ photography,the X1 offers numerous automatic features ranging from preciseautofocus to automatic exposure, guaranteeing photographers perfectlyexposed, sharp images by simply pressing the shutter release. Thisallows the user to concentrate on the creative aspects of compositionand framing.
            Thanks to its numerous automaticfunctions, the X1 is always quick and versatile whenever the needarises. Photographers can also achieve creative freedom with thecamera’s manual control options. Both aperture and shutter speed can beselected manually with the easy-to-use dials on the top plate of thecamera. Even the plane of focus can be set manually, along with whitebalance and various other image capture parameters. Consequently, theX1 offers photographers complete manual control of the creative processwhile also guaranteeing rapid reaction ability with its automaticfunctions, when required.
            The large size of thesensor, a maximum sensitivity of ISO 3200 and large aperture make theLEICA X1 an ideal choice for ‘available light’ photography. Whether inadverse lighting conditions, or for conscious manipulation of depth offocus, the X1 offers numerous options for individual and creativecomposition.
          The bright 2.7” display of the X1almost fills the entire back of the camera and reveals the finestdetails, even in bright surroundings. The live-view function replacesan optical viewfinder and shows an accurate preview with all essentialimage information. The Live Mode also makes the X1 particularlyversatile for shots taken from unusual perspectives.
            Accessories and software
            The LEICA X1 offers a comprehensive range of accessories that expandthe abilities of the camera and adapt it to the photographer’s personalphotographic style: A 36-mm bright-line accessory, for instance, can beinserted in the camera’s accessory shoe and ensures a clear viewwithout unnecessary power drain. If required, the camera display can beswitched off when an accessory finder is used. In this case, aprominently placed LED indicates successful automatic focusing. Inaddition to this, there is an accessory handgrip that aids the safe andsecure handling of the camera. A comprehensive range of camera cases isalso available: the ever-ready case offers sufficient room for thecamera with an attached handgrip and includes a small case attached tothe carrying strap to hold the accessory finder. The high-qualitytransport case offers perfect protection for the camera, while theattractively designed system case has space for the camera and all itsaccessories.
            The LEICA X1 features a retractableflash that can do much more than simply replace other sources of light.It also serves as a fill-in flash and can even be synchronised to thesecond shutter curtain. If more power and flexibility is required, theLeica SF 24D and SF 58 system flash units are also compatible with theX1.
          The LEICA X1 is supplied with a battery chargerand a high-performance battery, and also includes a comprehensivesoftware package. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, a professional digitalworkflow solution for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, isavailable as an online download for all registered LEICA X1 customers.Adobe Photoshop Lightroom offers a vast range of functions for themanagement, processing and presentation of digital images, whether inJPEG or DNG format. If the images from the X1 are saved as raw data inAdobe Digital Negative format (DNG), Adobe Photoshop Lightroomguarantees direct and extremely high-quality image processing.
            Pricing and availability
            The LEICA X1 will be available in the UK from January 2010. Pricingwill be available nearer to date of launch. For further details and alist of authorised dealers including the new Leica Store Mayfair,please visit www.leica-camera.co.uk.
            Leica X1 specifications         
Sensor• 23.6 x 15.8 mm CMOS sensor
                • APS-C size
                • 13 million total pixels
                • 12.2 million effective pixels
Lens• Leica Elmarit 24 mm F2.8
                  • 8 elements in 6 groups, 1 aspheric lens
                • 35 mm equiv. FOV
                • Non-removable
Focusing distance• Normal: 60 cm - Infinity
                • Macro / Manual: 30 cm - Infinity
AF type• Contrast detect
AF modes• 1-point
                • 1-point high speed
                • 11-point
                • 11-point high speed
                • Spot
                • Face detection
AF assist lampYes
Exposure modes• Program automatic
                  • Aperture priority
                  • Shutter priority
                  • Manual
Exposure compensation• +/- 3.0 EV
                  • 1/3 EV steps
Exposure bracketing• 3 frames
                  • +/- 3.0 EV
                  • 1/3 EV steps
Metering• Intelligent multiple
                  • Center weighted
                  • Spot
Sensitivity• Auto ISO
                  • ISO 100
                  • ISO 200
                  • ISO 400
                  • ISO 800
                  • ISO 1600
                  • ISO 3200
Shutter speed range30 - 1/2000 sec
Aperture rangeF2.8 - F16
White balance• Auto
                • Halogen
                • Daylight
                • Flash
                • Cloudy
                • Shadow
                • Manual 1
                • Manual 2
White balance fine tuningTwo axis
File formats• JPEG
                  • DNG
Image sizes• 4272 x 2586 (12.2 MP)
                  • 3264 x 2160 (7.0 MP)
                  • 2144 x 1424 (3.0 MP)
                  • 1632 x 1080 (1.8 MP)
Image modes• JPEG Super fine
                  • JPEG Fine
                  • DNG + JPEG Super fine
                  • DNG + JPEG Fine
Self timer• 2 sec
                • 12 sec
Continuous shooting• 3 / 2 fps
                  • 6 images max (JPEG Fine + DNG)
Auto review• 1 sec
                • 3 sec
                • 5 sec
                • Hold
Film modes• Standard
                • Vivid
                • Natural
                • B&W Natural
                • B&W High contrast
Built-in flash modes• Auto
                • Auto / Red-eye reduction
                • Forced on
                • Forced on / Red-eye reduction
                • Slow sync
                • Slow sync / Red-eye reduction
                • Studio
• Option: First curtain / Second curtain
Hot shoe• Yes
                • Compatible with SF58, SF24D
LCD monitor• 2.7" TFT LCD
                • 230,000 pixels
                • 100% field of view
Playback • Standard
                • 16 image thumbnail
                • Zoomed (up to 16x)
                • Image rotation
                • Protection
                • Deletion
Storage media• SD / SDHC
Connectivity• USB 2.0 (Mass storage device)
                • HDMI
Power• Lithium-ion battery pack
                • 260 exposures est. life
                • 200 min charge
Dimensions60 x 124 x 32 mm (2.4 x 4.9 x 1.3 in)
Weight286 g (10 oz)
Supplied accessories• LEICA BP-DC8  rechargeable battery
                  • Battery charger (LEICA BC-DC8)
                  • Protective  battery cover
                  • Leather  carrying strap
                  • USB cable
•                  Lens cap
• Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (download option after product registration)
          Additional images         
回复 · 2009-9-9 23:41:16
Yue 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-9-10 00:04:09
Mao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


Yue 发表于 2009-9-10 00:04

恩 不贵就不是leica了。。。等等再说吧,看看评论,不知道柯达做的CCD怎么样啊。
回复 · 2009-9-10 08:08:55