


johnny888 2009-10-29 19:29:04 阅读 1752 来自: 澳大利亚
Changes to VETASSESS assessment requirements for General Occupations from 1 January 2010 – 29 October 2009VETASSESS have announced changes to the assessment requirements for General Occupations. These changes will apply from 1 January 2010. More information is available on the VETASSESS website.

For Group A and B occupation - If you are a recent Australian graduate requiring a Skills Assessment to apply for a Skilled – Graduate subclass (Temporary) 485 subclass visa, you may nominate a B Group occupation, but your Bachelor Degree level studies must be in a relevant field.

Recent Graduates with Australian Studies who intend to apply for a Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485) (Applies only to those who intend to apply under this visa). The Department of Immigration and Citizenship recognises that recent graduates with Bachelor Degree or above level qualifications may not have sufficient employment at the required level for a complete Skills Assessment from VETASSESS. For this reason, VETASSESS will offer a two - stage process for applicants who indicate they will be applying for this visa. The first stage will lead to a Skills Assessment which may only be used to support an application for a 485 visa. To be eligible for this assessment you will need to

* have recently completed Australian studies (within the previous 6 months)
* be applying for the Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485)
* nominate an occupation from either Group A or Group B
* hold a qualification which is assessed as being at Australian Bachelor degree level (or higher), in a highly relevant field of study to your nominated occupation for Part 1 (Educational Assessment).

Once you have obtained at least 12 months of employment in the field of your nominated occupation, you may apply for Part 2 of the Skills Assessment which is the assessment of your employment. This will complete the Skills Assessment required for permanent migration under the General Skilled Migration Program or the Employer Nomination Scheme.



angel_of_death 来自: 澳大利亚


Could you include the link of the news? Thanks!
回复 · 2009-10-29 20:59:05