

Warm 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house to rent – available March

Mat 2020-2-19 14:33:38 阅读 935 来自: 澳大利亚
霍巴特地区: 其他
房屋地址: 28 Glebe Hill Road, Howrah
房屋租期: 长租
房屋户型: House
出租方式: 单间
出租租金: 465
房屋配置: 水电 
允许宠物: 不可以
入住时间: 2020-03-00
房屋来源: 私人
联系人: Matthew
手机号: 0403246993
Comfortable warm house, living areas all face north in safe residential area on the Eastern Shore. Tenant still to confirm finish date of lease, expected availability early March.
In the popular area Glebe Hill estate close to Shoreline shopping centre.

Viewing this Friday 21 February.

More photos to come.

Address: 28 Glebe Hill Road.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/28+Glebe+Hill+Rd,+Howrah+TAS+7018/@-42.8833912,147.4255847,3a,75y,15.44h,89.58t/data=!3m7! 1e1! 3m5! 1stqLaHiQGvuysgCKY5nebfg! 2e0! 6s% 2F% 2Fgeo1.ggpht.com% 2Fcbk% 3Fpanoid% 3DtqLaHiQGvuysgCKY5nebf% 26% 3D %% Dmap% 3 3D234.36974% 26pitch% 3D0% 26thumbfov% 3D100! 7i13312! 8i6656! 4m5! 3m4! 1s0xaa6dde3765d92e71: 0x94e0c279459048e0! 8m2! 3d-42.8832281! 4d147.4255815
Phone Matthew in English: 0403246993
Or Message ccmtas@hotmail.com (Sorry misspelled the address in the last add)

NOTE: 4 weeks bond required and will be lodged with Service Tasmania as well as reference checks.

