

LJ Hooker 有了自己的Home Loan

LJHooker 2010-5-21 11:43:05 阅读 12223 来自: 澳大利亚

LJ Hooker Home Loan

LJ Hooker Home Loan

告诉大家一个消息,LJ Hooker 有了自己的Home Loan。从现在开始,不管你是第一次买房,投资者,再次买房者,买地建新房,甚至只是想refinance,都可以给我打电话。在2010年7月31日前,我们不会收取任何费用。就算是7月31日后,我们也只是收取贷款低于50万的交易的成交费,其他费用一概不收。以为是我们LJ Hooker自己的贷款,所以我们的贷款利率比其他银行都低。最好的是,我们的审批速度极快,如果资料齐全的话,当天就可以拿到贷款。其他的银行最快要2个星期慢要1个多月。如果大家有兴趣了解一下的话,就给我打电话,我帮你和我们贷款部的人安排会面详谈。



宝宝的猫爪子 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-5-21 11:50:31
LJHooker 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-5-21 11:53:37
Eli 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-5-21 11:57:41
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 1# LJHooker

It sounds like a product that provides convenience.
could you please eleborate some more details of this product? I am having dificulty finding the info on your company website. :-(

1> what's the basic variable interest rate?
2> what's the 1-year, 2-year, 3-year fixed rate?
3> if there's any on-going account fee? early exit fee?
     (usually these hidden cost could be more expensive than the interest discount benefit)
4> if there's investor package choice? or if there's any discount scheme provided on top of the variable interest rate?
5> what's the maximum leverage rate? 95%? or 100%
6> if your company would provide mortgage against Company title units, or Strata title only?

thank you.
回复 · 2010-5-21 12:14:32
LJHooker 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


Sorry, it was just launched, the website may not updated.

1> basic variable interest rate is 6.66% or another Lender 6.55%
2> Fixed rates not issued yet.
3> No Fees, After 1/7/2010 Settlement fee $350 if loan is less than $500k. Over $500k still no fee at all.
4> Deferred Establishment Fee: Year 1= 1% of loan amount
                                                   Year 2 = 0.8%
                                                   Year 3 = 0.6%
                                                   Year 4 = 0.4%
                                                   Year 5 plus No Fee
Investor Package will be released shortly.
5> Max LVR 90% normal purchase plus lender mortgage insurance
                   85% refinance plus lender mortgage insurance
6> Mortgage against company title may be considered - below 80% LVR
The normal mortgage broking products may apply.

Hope it will help you.
回复 · 2010-5-21 12:51:48
vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 6# LJHooker

Thanks for the prompt reply.

6.55% looks good at the moment. may i know who's the ultimate lender?

apart from that, could you please tell me what is Deferred establishment fee?
1% of the loan amount is actually quite a bit, consider an average first time buyer loan will be around $300k, 1% of it will be $3,000.

also, is there additional repayment, offset account, or redraw facility avaiable?

回复 · 2010-5-21 13:03:53
yingying 来自: 澳大利亚


how about the mortgage insurance?
is it the only way to avoid the mortgage insurance is to pay 20% deposit?
回复 · 2010-5-21 13:20:51
yingying 来自: 澳大利亚


how about self-employed income? any policy on that?
i know that all other banks do notreally take into account of self-employed income unless the lendee has been self-employed for more than 2 years.
回复 · 2010-5-21 13:23:53
LJHooker 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 7# vickyinsydney

    Sorry for the delay.

1> lender - 6.55% PLAN LENDING
                - 6.66% LJ Hooker
2> Correct calculation for LJ Hooker Product. However, the lender is recovering the cost of establishing. the loan especially is a customer is wanting to refinance before 12 months.

3>Redraw is available. offset coming soon.

Information supplied by Damian Mansfield.
回复 · 2010-5-24 13:24:38