

Beautiful Unit in an amazing convenient location for sharing with a su ...

Danni2022 2022-1-6 16:06:27 阅读 840 来自: 澳大利亚
霍巴特地区: Hobart City
房屋地址: Murray street
房屋租期: 长租
房屋户型: House
出租方式: 单间
出租租金: 350
房屋配置: 水电 网络 电话 电视 冰箱 微波炉 厨房用具 洗衣机 沙发 床 
独立卫浴: 没有
允许宠物: 不可以
入住时间: 2022-01-08
房屋来源: 私人
联系人: Danni
手机号: 0466265551
Beautiful Unit in an amazing convenient location for sharing with a suitable person or couple. It's a 2 bedroom house with one bathroom, the bedroom has amazing natural light, built in wardrobe, wooden renewed floors and spacious for queen or even king bed. furnished or unfurnished depending on your needs. Privileged location, less than 15 min walk to Hobart's CBD and less than 4 min drive. 12 min drive to the UTAS and has public transport for your convenience. The fee includes all the bills with Telstra Unlimited NBN internet. Couples and singles are both welcomed to apply.
步行15分钟到CBD, 公交21分钟到UTAS Sandy bay 校区。两居一卫。可以根据需求配置家具或者无家具。如果你有意愿,请发送消息时简单介绍自己,是否工作或学生,性格喜好之类的。希望能找到能共同维系温馨和干净的生活环境,好相处的室友。信息和电话都可以,如果电话错过了,请发送信息留言给我们。

