


Mao 2009-10-13 16:42:47 阅读 3136 来自: 澳大利亚
Team Rudd hits Hobart


October 13, 2009 04:00am

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd and 15 of his federal ministers will descend on Hobart today.

They are here for the next round of Community Cabinet meetings to be held in regional Australia.

More than 350 Tasmanians have registered for the right to question Mr Rudd and his Cabinet team at a one-hour forum at Hobart's New Town High School tonight.

What would you ask Kevin Rudd?
Send your questions here.

A full formal meeting of the Rudd Government's Cabinet will also be held in the historic Council Chambers at Hobart Town Hall at 3pm today, ahead of the community forum.

Mr Rudd will spend the morning at the Royal Hobart Hospital, discussing options for reforming the nation's hospital system with hospital doctors, clinicians and other staff.

"He is keen to hear the views of local health professionals -- what they think needs to be done nationally as well as right here in Hobart, to improve health and hospitals," a spokesman for Mr Rudd said.

Health Minister Nicola Roxon, who visited Hobart last week to talk about the Government's response to the reform proposals suggested by the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, will be absent from today's meetings.

Mr Rudd arrived in Hobart last night from Launceston.

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has flown in direct from her recent trip to the US.

The federal ministers this morning will visit local organisations and make announcements relating to their portfolios.

Defence Minister John Faulkner will visit Anglesea Barracks and Immigration Minister Chris Evans is tipped to drop in at the Migrant Resource Centre.

Families, Housing and Community services Minister Jenny Macklin will join state Human Services Minister Lin Thorp at Gagebrookto announce additional emergency financial assistance available to vulnerable Tasmanians during Anti-Poverty Week.

Environment and Heritage Minister Peter Garrett will announce new funding for a series of heritage restoration projects in Tasmania, as part of the Government's $60 million Heritage Jobs Fund.

While at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Mr Rudd is also expected to announce a new type of co-operative funding for medical research, the $21 million nationwide Partnership for Better Health Grants.

One of the first recipients of the new grants will be a researcher from Hobart's Menzies Research Institute.

Associate Professor Alison Venn has won $856,250 towards improving health and wellbeing in the workforce.

She will work with the Tasmanian State Service to investigate better ways of promoting good health, preventing chronic disease and improving productivity.

State Health Minister Lara Giddings and acting federal Health Minister Justine Elliot will accompany Mr Rudd at his talks today at the RHH.

Registered members of the public can arrive for the Community Cabinet from 4.30pm, ahead of Mr Rudd opening the public forum at 6pm.

While registration for the forum was completed in September, anyone still keen to attend can turn up at New Town High School at 4.30pm in case spare seats are available.

A similar community cabinet meeting was held in Launceston last November and Mr Rudd has promised to host another in Tasmania's North-West next year.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




kosta 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-10-13 16:45:54
vivifish 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-10-13 16:46:33
wangwangkanjia 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-10-13 19:39:38