


Mao 2008-9-23 10:15:46 阅读 2759 来自: 澳大利亚
Bigger, better Myer store coming for Hobart

[size=0.92em]DANIELLE McKAY
[size=0.85em]September 23, 2008 12:00am

MYER boss Peter Monachetti has reassured Tasmanians the fire-gutted store will be rebuilt in the Hobart CBD.

Mr Monachetti said construction could begin as soon as December.

He said site owner Retirement Benefits Fund and Myer were seeking a property developer to assist the project.

The construction is expected to cost more than $290 million and result in a 12,500 sq m super-store of international standard.

Mr Monachetti said the worldwide economic downturn had made the task more difficult, especially since Centro Properties pulled out in April.

"The community of Hobart has waited a lot longer than Myer anticipated but, when it is finished, it will blow our minds away," he said.

Mr Monachetti said he did not feel threatened by the DFO development or Treasurer Michael Aird's suggestion competitor David Jones could be considered as a potential retailer if Myer declined to build.

"We are fully committed to the CBD of Hobart, this is where our future lies," he said.

Mr Monachetti said Myer had a signed agreement with superannuation group RBF guaranteeing the redevelopment on the Liverpool St site.

After speaking with Mr Aird yesterday, Mr Monachetti said the Treasurer had given him his full support and shared his interest in preserving the shopping hub of Hobart.

He said Myer had already received several expressions of interest from property developers interested in investing in the site.

"My personal opinion is that you are going to need a property developer -- Myer is a retailer, RBF is the property owner, what we need in the mix is a property developer," he said.

Mr Monachetti said the new Myer would have a floor space 40 to 50 per cent larger than the previous store, allowing an increased range of stock across the board.

Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce chief executive Damon Thomas yesterday called on all levels of government and business to unite in revitalising the ailing CBD.

He said the continued closure while the value of retail trade was up 4.5 per cent highlighted a systemic issue.

"Clearly there is an issue because the CBD is not capturing this growth," he said.

Mr Thomas urged the establishment of a CBD revitalisation taskforce.





荷包蛋 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2008-9-23 10:23:43