


Mao 2013-2-22 13:53:38 阅读 13121 来自: 澳大利亚

LONG WAIT: Grandmother Kathleen Freeman, 73, of Claremont, is stranded in the city after a doctor's appointment. Picture: NIKKI DAVIS-JONES

ELDERLY and student passengers were the main victims of stopwork action by Metro bus drivers yesterday as further disruptions over pay loomed.

Public transport around the state was hit when the drivers held a stop-work meeting between 10am and 2pm.

Many drivers began returning to depots before 10am for the meeting, meaning bus services were disrupted for more than four hours.

If a resolution is not reached over pay by next Friday, the drivers will again stop work, with action likely to hit workers and students.e

Union representative Samantha Simonetis said: "If we can't resolve the matter earlier, there will be further action that will affect passengers right across the community."

The stop-work caught many commuters by surprise.

Grandmother Kathleen Freeman, of Claremont, was shocked to discover she could not get home from a doctor's appointment in the city.

The 73-year-old had thought the buses were stopping at 2pm.

"I don't know what I'll do now. I have no money for a taxi. I am stranded here," she said.

Fortunately, Mrs Freeman was rescued by taxi driver Brett Leppard, who offered to let her pay the fare next week.

Philip Norton, of Montagu Bay, got to his bus stop at 2.20pm and waited nearly 90 minutes and watched three full buses drive past. Meanwhile, about 30 Rose Bay High School students arrived at the bus stop.

Chris Brown, 63, of Clarendon Vale, went out early before the buses were to stop to get bread and milk but was shocked when she could not get a bus home.

"I waited for half an hour from about 9am before I decided to get a cab

More than 8000 passengers were affected by the stop-work.

Stay-at-home dad Michael McKenna had to push his two children home in a pram.

"We live in North Hobart so it's not far for us but what if you lived further away?" he said.

Metro chief executive Heather Haselgrove apologised to passengers affected by the stop-work meeting.

Under planned new wages, Metro drivers would earn between $715 a week in their first year and $865 in the fourth.

"Metro has made its best offer of a 2 per cent increase it is twice what inflation has been in the past 12 months," Ms Haselgrove said.






金刚法爱 来自: 中国浙江杭州


渴望等候: Claremont 的祖母凯思琳弗里曼,73 岁,,在医生的约会后的城市中被搁浅。 照片: NIKKI 戴维斯-钟斯
年老的而且学生乘客昨天是都会公共汽车司机的 stopwork 行动的主要受害人如在被朦胧地出现的薪资上的较进一步的分裂。
当驾驶员拿着了在早上 10 点和 2 pm 之间的一个停止- 工作的会议时候,公众的传送在州的周围被打。
许多驾驶员对于会议开始在早上 10 点之前回到停车场, 意谓公共汽车服务被打乱达超过四小时。
如果一个决议在下星期五之前是伸过手去不的薪资,驾驶员再一次将会停止工作,藉由可能击中工人和 students.e 的行动
代表性的联盟萨曼塔 Simonetis 说: " 如果我们早地不能解决物质, 将会有较进一步的行动将会横过社区正确地影响乘客".
Claremont 的祖母凯思琳弗里曼, 被震动发现她无法从城市的医生约会回家。
73 岁已经认为公共汽车正在 2 pm 停止。
"我不知道我现在将做的。 我为一辆出租汽车没有钱。 我在这里被搁浅,"她说。
幸运地,弗里曼太太坐出租汽车被援救驾驶员布雷特 Leppard, 表示下个星期让她的薪资费用。
Montagu 海湾的菲力浦诺顿,在 2.20 pm 到达他的公共汽车站并且等候了将近 90 分钟而且看三辆完整的公共汽车驾车过去。 同时,大约 30位萝丝海湾中学学生到达公共汽车站。
在公共汽车是之前 , Clarendon 谷的 63 岁的克里斯布朗, 早外出开始有面包而且产乳但是当她无法有一个公共汽车家的时候被震动。
"我从在我决定拿一辆出租汽车大约早上 9 点之前等候半个小时
超过 8000位乘客被停止影响了-工作。
停留- 招待会爸爸麦可 McKenna 必须在一个婴儿车中推动他的二个孩子回家。
" 我们住在哈巴特北部,如此资讯科技对我们是不远的但是什么如果你离开更进一步居住"? 他说。
都会执行长石南花 Haselgrove 对被停止- 工作的会议影响的乘客道歉。
在计划了的新薪水之下,都会的驾驶员会在他们的第一年中在一个星期 $715 之间赚得而且在第四个中赚得 $865 。
" 都会已经最好地做它的提议一 2 每一分增加它两次是通货膨胀所已经是在过去 12个月内的",小姐 Haselgrove 说。

公交车, 老人

回复 · 2013-2-22 18:15:31
cocoheyu 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2013-2-22 18:41:40
Mao 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


金刚法爱 发表于 2013-2-22 18:15
渴望等候: Claremont 的祖母凯思琳弗里曼,73 岁,,在医生的约会后的城市中被搁浅。 照片: NIKKI 戴维斯-钟斯 ...

回复 · 2013-2-22 18:42:07
Zomay 来自: 中国浙江杭州


回复 · 2013-3-19 15:58:44