


塔州雅思 2015-5-6 19:46:30 阅读 7040 来自: 澳大利亚


1.Describe an exciting sport you know
What the sport is
How you know about it
Whether it is difficult
And explain why you think it is exciting
How do you think of extreme sports?
Should governments ban dangerous sports for young people? Why or why not?
What kind of sport do people in your country do?
What’s the difference between professional athletes and amateur athletes?

2. An occasion that you helped someone(去年的旧题又出现了)
You should say
What you did
To whom you did
On what occasion you did it
How you felt after what you did
is it important to teach children to do good things?
How can parents teach their children to do good things?
What should leaders in a company do to make a better society?
How to help each other in the neighbourhood?
Why do some people reluctant to ask help from neighbours?
Is it a good thing or bad thing?

3. A person who speaks a foreign language well
What language he speaks
Who the person is
How often he uses it
Why he can speak the language well
What benefit does it bring if you speak good English?
Do you think it is easy for children to learn a foreign language?
Do you think English will become the most popular language in the world?
How do people learn a foreign language?
Are there any changes in people’s way of learning a language?





塔州雅思 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


5. a small successful company in your hometown

what it is

how you first know it

why it is successful


Do you think online shopping will replace buying in stores?

what are the qualities of successful companies?

Do you want to work in a successful company?

6. a vehicle you want to own in the future


What kind of vehicle it is

What features it has

Why you want to buy it

And explain why you would prefer this means of transport


Different kinds of vehicle

What do you think future vehicles will be like?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?

Do you think that governments should control the number of private cars that are on the roads?


P2 An occasion that you are getting up extremely early


回复 · 2015-5-6 19:47:35