


Mao 2010-7-9 09:43:07 阅读 4812 来自: 澳大利亚

Tassie jobless at national high

NICK CLARK   |   July 09, 2010 07.47am
MALE job losses have pushed the unemployment rate in Tasmania to a national high of 6.3 per cent, new figures show.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics figures come in a week in which separate surveys by MyState Ltd and the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry have warned of falls in consumer and business confidence respectively.

ABS figures show Tasmania's trend male unemployment jumped from 6.9 per cent to 7.1 per cent while the female rate was steady at 5.5 per cent.

The more reactive seasonally adjusted figures were more dramatic, up from 6.5 per cent to 7.6 per cent among males.

The state economy has been rocked by huge job losses in forestry and closure of two paper mills on the North-West Coast.

The national jobless rate was 5.2 per cent in June.

The higher jobless rate coincided with a jump in the participation rate people in work or looking for work from 61.7 per cent to 61.9 per cent.

Treasurer Michael Aird preferred to focus on a growth of 400 jobs in June.

"There have now been 4700 new jobs created in Tasmania in the first half of 2010," Mr Aird said.

"This data is consistent with the Government's projections for employment growth over the next few years and highlights that our target of 15,000 new jobs during this term is achievable."

Mr Aird said the rise in unemployment was largely because of the increase in the participation rate.

Opposition Treasury spokesman Peter Gutwein said there were 338 more people unemployed last month than in May and over 1100 more had joined the jobless queue since the election.

"We know private investment has plummeted over the last 12 months, putting at risk the opportunity for jobs growth in the coming year," he said.

"Just about every other state or territory saw unemployment peak last year, while Tasmania's unemployment rate has risen just about every month since August 2008."

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




稍解风情 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-7-10 13:47:02
business_man917 来自: LAN


There is a reason for so many local out of jobs, it starts with the letter L
回复 · 2010-7-13 09:29:57
vigour 来自: 中国广西百色


回复 · 2010-8-11 08:12:47