


lichun 楼主 来自: 中国河南洛阳


回复 · 2009-8-20 22:11:38
lichun 楼主 来自: 中国河南洛阳


回复 · 2009-8-20 22:12:16
elaine_iace 来自: 澳大利亚


9# angel_of_death

你好 我是已经在读语言明年开学读nursing的学生,我想问你一些事情 你可以把你的邮箱或者MSN给我吗? 这个是我的 MSN iace_lei@sina.com.cn
回复 · 2009-10-2 20:23:11
mymcse 来自: LAN


Completion of the NSW Higher School Certificate examination and attainment of a grade of Band 4 or higher in English (Standard, Advanced or Extension).  See Secondary School Examinations Accepted as Evidence of English Language Competence.

Completion of secondary school elsewhere in Australia and achievement in school examinations at a standard accepted by the Board as equivalent to the New South Wales standard. See Secondary School Examinations Accepted as Evidence of English Language Competence.

Evidence of completion of at least two years full-time or full-time equivalent secondary, vocational or higher education in Australia
Certification by the senior nurse or midwife academic (i.e. Dean, Head of School or Head Teacher) at the Australian education institution, recognised by the Board and where a nursing or midwifery course was undertaken, that "the applicant for registration/enrolment has been assessed clinically, and in that clinical assessment has demonstrated a knowledge of English language adequate for nursing practice or midwifery practice (as applicable)".

Previous registration or enrolment as a nurse or midwife in New South Wales.

Achievement, within the two year period prior to application, of a minimum of 7 on each band (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) academic modules**.

Exception: The previously published requirements continue to be accepted where a person commenced a nursing or midwifery course in Australia prior to the end of 2009, completed an IELTS test prior to the end of 2009, and applies for registration or enrolment within two years of the date of that IELTS test and with results showing:
-  minimum 7 overall
-  minimum 6.5 on the individual bands of listening and reading, and
-  minimum 7.0 on the individual bands of writing and speaking.
However applicants should be aware that, when the proposed national system of registration is implemented in mid 2010, the new national registration authority will determine requirements at that time.

Achievement, within the two year period prior to application, of a pass at "B" level in each of the four components (reading, writing, listening and speaking) of the Occupational English Test (OET) for Nurses.

     ** IELTS general modules are NOT accepted
回复 · 2009-10-3 16:25:58
angel_of_death 来自: 澳大利亚


I'm so glad I'm already a Registered Nurse before they implement all these new policies...
回复 · 2009-10-3 17:04:28
echoyao 来自: LAN


怎么又到7.5去了?不是说4个7就OK了吗?的确读护理的语言要求是越来越难。2010年全国各个州的NURSE REGISTRATION统一,塔州肯定要追随大陆的语言标准,虽然我们这届的护理学生还是可以豁免语言成绩(我指我们读两年的,2010年2月毕业,读三年的11月毕业都不敢保证啊)。不过对自己语言有信心的可以过来一试,因为我自己考了后我觉得雅思4个7不是很难,当然前提是你自己真的好好学习。
回复 · 2009-10-6 14:26:26
allensubaru 来自: 澳大利亚


护理很多 来了郎塞就知道
回复 · 2009-10-6 14:33:09
YANYANYAN 来自: 中国江苏苏州


4个7.5不是要人命了  我也是读护理的  我雅思才5.5   10周的语言   11月13号的课程   现在还在等签证     我的邮箱 guoyunyao1981@yahoo.com.cn
回复 · 2009-10-26 02:13:49
cathyqi 来自: 中国山东青岛


回复 · 2009-10-28 19:28:52
AR15 来自: 澳大利亚


6# angel_of_death

Hello Miss RN! Nice to meet you again!
回复 · 2009-11-9 21:47:21