


shiyiji 2009-5-22 20:00:09 阅读 5812 来自: 中国湖北武汉
本帖最后由 shiyiji 于 2009-6-20 14:33 编辑

1 Intelligent Systems
2 Databases
3 Web-Based Computing
4 Software Engineering
5 Networked and Distributed Systems
6 Search Engines
7 Security in Computing
8 Bioinformatics



幽灵公主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-5-22 20:26:04
浪沧孤客 来自: LAN


本帖最后由 浪沧孤客 于 2009-5-22 21:26 编辑

回复 · 2009-5-22 21:23:25
浪沧孤客 来自: LAN


幽灵公主 发表于 2009-5-22 20:26

回复 · 2009-5-22 21:26:45
leilei 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-5-22 21:59:22
laoshi 来自: 中国浙江杭州


Programming skills are important for finding a profesional job in Australia. Most IT graduates start with a programmer position.
回复 · 2009-5-25 19:34:43
幽灵公主 来自: 澳大利亚


浪沧孤客 发表于 22/5/2009 21:26

回复 · 2009-5-25 19:42:16
xishuashua 来自: 澳大利亚


浪沧孤客 发表于 2009-5-22 21:26

you fall behind......
回复 · 2009-5-29 12:24:57
mymcse 来自: LAN


本帖最后由 mymcse 于 2009-6-5 11:25 编辑

2.2. GROUP A
Qualifications Criteria
2.2.1. Courses must contain at least a major in ICT, and a predominant objective should be to educate persons to be professionals in ICT.
2.2.2. Applicants with (a) an Australian Bachelor degree, or Graduate Diploma, or higher degree qualification, with a major in information communication technology (ICT); or
(b) an overseas qualification assessed as being comparable to an Australian Bachelor
degree, or Graduate Diploma, or higher degree qualification, with a major in ICT.
2.2.3. As a guide, a major in a Bachelor degree must have a minimum of two equivalent full-time semesters of ICT content. Such ICT content must progress through all years of the
program with at least one third of it being at a demonstrably advanced level (final year
2.2.4. The same criteria in relation to ICT content and progression as described for a Bachelor degree in 2.2.3 apply to programs which are postgraduate in time but substantially undergraduate in content.
2.2.5. As a guide, to meet the criteria a Graduate Diploma or Masters degree which is
undergraduate in content and taken usually after a qualification other than an ICT degree or
equivalent, must:
Australian Computer Society Inc
Skills Assessment (For Migration Purposes Only) – Information Technology (Computing) Professional Procedures Information Manual, Australian Computer Society PIM 2 Issue 9, 23 February 2009
(a) Contain a minimum of three semesters*; and
(b) Contain a minimum of twelve units; and
(c) Contain two semesters* of full-time equivalent ICT content; and
(d) Be underpinned by an ICT or non-ICT degree level qualification or an AQF Advanced
Diploma or Diploma or equivalent; and
(e) Have at least one semester* of ICT study at a demonstrably advanced level.
* Duration of study is expressed for full-time study. Where study is completed at a rate less
than full-time, then scaling to the equivalent of full-time is applied.
2.2.6. As a guide, a major in ICT for a Post Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification which follows a degree-level qualification in ICT or equivalent must have an ICT content of at least one third, all of which must be at post graduate level.
2.2.7. The qualification criteria above are similar to those required for membership at Member level of the ACS (MACS CP (PCP)). Applicants must be current financial members and must provide documentation to prove their claim. Applicants using membership of the ACS must have been a Member at the listed level for at least one year before being eligible to apply under the membership category.
Experience Criteria
2.2.8. Applicants in Group A must have at least four (4) equivalent years of full-time relevant ICT experience at professional level prior to the date of their application for Pre Application Skills Assessment (PASA).
2.3. GROUP B
Qualifications Criteria
2.3.1. Applicants with
(a) an Australian AQF Diploma or Australian AQF Advanced Diploma with a major in ICT, or
an Australian Bachelor degree, or Graduate Diploma, or higher qualification with a
minor (sub-major) in ICT; or
(b) an overseas qualification assessed as being comparable to an Australian AQF Diploma
or an Australian AQF Advanced Diploma with a major in ICT, or an Australian
Bachelor degree, or Graduate Diploma, or higher qualification with a minor (submajor)
in ICT.
2.3.2. As a guide for an AQF Diploma or an AQF Advanced Diploma or overseas equivalent, the
ICT content must be at least 50%.
2.3.3. As a guide for a minor (sub-major) for a Bachelor degree the ICT content must be at least
2.3.4. As a guide for a Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification described in 2.2.5 above, a minor (sub-major) must relate to a program with an ICT content of at least 50%.
2.3.5. As a guide for a Post Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification described in 2.2.6
above, a minor (sub-major) must relate to a program with ICT content of at least 15% and
less than 33%.
Experience Criteria
2.3.6. Applicants in Group B must have at least six (6) equivalent years of full-time relevant ICT experience at professional level prior to the date of their application for PASA.
Australian Computer Society Inc Skills Assessment (For Migration Purposes Only) – Information Technology (Computing) Professional Procedures Information Manual, Australian Computer Society PIM 2 Issue 9, 23 February 2009
2.4. GROUP C Recent Graduates of an Australian University Recent Work Experience Exemption
2.4.1. Applicants are assessed in this group when the Application for Skills Assessment submitted to ACS indicates that the applicant is seeking exemption from recent work experience because of study in Australia. Specific details of the study in Australia requirements are available from the DIAC website www.immi.gov.au .
2.4.2. Qualifications of Group C applicants are assessed as specified in Group A. (see Section
2.2.1 through 2.2.6) with the exception that there is no requirement for work experience.
The length of study in Australia and the time limit for submitting an application for an OnshoreOverseas Student General - Skilled Migration (GSM) visa are not components of the PASA (Pre Application Skills Assessment) and are not assessed by ACS. These requirements are set and assessed by DIAC.
回复 · 2009-6-5 11:07:48
mymcse 来自: LAN


IT onshore:
if you wanna entre modl to get 60 points ,requirments: australia degree + one work ex(professional year)
if you wanna entre csl, requirments: austrlia degree and 4years work ex for applying PASA
回复 · 2009-6-5 11:13:27