GeologyPub Crawl Come andhave a laugh with some of us Post-Grads before we break our hips!
When: Friday, 16th September Where: Departing 5pm, CODES/Earth Science Front Stairs Goingto: 5 pubs (Bogan and Non-Bogan Areas), optional lasertag (extra cost) Finishes: 11pm,drop off at Salamanca and University Cost: $30 includesPub-Grub, a Cheeky-Pint and Bus-related shenanigans ($37 with laser tag). ,
Ticketssubject to bus capacity, so be quick to avoid disappointment! 中文服务:penny 0459700026,详情可以致电或SMS 会有大量小妹子和帅哥参加,是不可多得的认识一些local和华人朋友的好机会。由塔大TUU下属官方协会组织。机会有限,先到先得。塔州funbus提供全程交通,信誉可靠!