本帖最后由 Kim 于 2020-11-7 17:02 编辑
大家好我們公司近期因為拓展業務關係正在招聘一位會計實習生幫忙繁瑣業務。若有興趣的人請聯繫Ponir 0469298141 (英文溝通) 或是撥打 0412861562 (中文溝通) 註:招聘人是外國人,煩請用英文溝通。謝謝。
Hi there.
We are a currenrly looking for an accounting intern to help us with upcoming busy business in our dynamic group due to continuously developing and expanding business. If you are interested in this role, please do not hesitate to contact on 0469298141 for english service and 0412861562 for chinese service.