Most of your tax return shall be quite straight forward.
Just couple things to add:
1> For the ones whose taxable income are over $6k, you can consider to claim some work related deduction if you work on the farm, to get couple more bucks back. items could include protection clothing, sun glasses, sun screen, and laundry expense. Please note, you can only claim upto $300 deduction without receipts, and only upto $150 for Laundry exp without receipts.
2> for those whose taxable income is over $18488, you may be charged medicare levy, when working on the E-tax. if you are still on student visa, you are then not enjoying the medicare benefit. in this case, you can apply an medicare levy exemption certificate. the application form for that certificate could be found and downloaded from the medicare website. once the certificate is granted, you then can apply it to your tax return.
I haven't done one for quite a while. so could not recall more details. Please do excuse me, if the info appear to be too vague to follow.
cheers. |