


JUSTIN.JIANG 2011-12-11 17:01:22 阅读 20487 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 JUSTIN.JIANG 于 2011-12-11 17:12 编辑



关于NAATI公告的暂停通知请参考NAATI官网: http://www.naati.com.au/home_page.html
NAATI has suspended translator and interpreter accreditation testing in the Mandarin and Chinese language groups from Wednesday, 9 November 2011 until 2012.  The suspension is to allow investigation of test materials being posted on social media within these groups.

NAATI will put new testing arrangements in place for 2012 and will notify all candidates of these arrangements next month.  All tests currently scheduled for 2011 or where applications have been made but not yet scheduled will be conducted under the new testing arrangements in 2012.

This suspension is necessary to protect the integrity of the national accreditation system and to ensure fairness for people who sit the tests without accessing such materials.


1. NAATI认证的课程, 由于无需参加NAATI组织的年度考试或临时性考试,可以免受影响。
2. 据统计,目前NAATI认可的课程在新南威尔市州(NSW)总共有23个课程(含笔译与口译),分属于不同学院或大学。维多利亚州(VIC)总共有6个课程(含笔译与口译),分别隶属于不同的学院或大学。昆士兰目前只有昆士兰大学提供的Master或者Postgraduate Diploma课程,但最大的缺点就是学费高,时间长,可谓性价比不高。TAS目前没有NAATI认可的课程。目前由于NAATI加分的因素,此课程十分受欢迎。由于相对性价比高的因素,很多同学选择前往悉尼或者墨尔本就读此课程。
3. 加之,目前NAATI停考的消息,预计此课程将更加火爆。同学们,在选择学校与课程之前,请务必了解清楚:
   A。课程是否为NAATI 认可的
4. 通过三级笔译中文至英文,笔译英文至中文,或2级以及3级口译中的任何一种,都将获得5分的加分。




Nicole1021 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2011-12-11 22:36:17
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


Nicole1021 发表于 2011-12-11 22:36
请问悉尼的什么院校有提供此认可课程呢?我之前知道的有西悉尼大学,但是时间太长了,要3年。 ...

回复 · 2011-12-12 14:27:34
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2011-12-22 10:38:19
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚





            On 9 November 2011,  NAATI suspended translator and interpreter accreditation testing in the  Mandarin and Chinese language groups. The suspension allowed an investigation  into test materials being posted on social media within these groups to be  completed.
            NAATI can now  announce that testing will commence in 2012 according to the following  schedule:
            Professional Translator (both Chinese into English and  English into Chinese) Accreditation Testing
            Test Dates

Thursday, 16    February 2012
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

Thursday, 8 March    2012
All overseas    testing locations, except New Zealand

Thursday, 17 May    2012
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

Thursday, 16    August 2012
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

Thursday, 6    September 2012*
All overseas    testing locations, except New Zealand

Thursday, 15    November 2012
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

            * Test date to be confirmed in 2012
            Paraprofessional  Interpreter Mandarin/English Accreditation Testing
            Test Dates

Thursday, 15    March 2012#
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

Thursday, 21 June    2012
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

Thursday, 20    September 2012
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

Thursday, 13    December 2012
All Australian    and New Zealand testing locations

            # Depending on demand for  testing a second day may be offered
            There may be limited testing places available in  these sessions depending on the location you wish to sit. To avoid the  disappointment of not being able to be tested in your preferred session you  should make your application as soon as you are able to.
            NAATI expects that results for these tests will be  issued within the normal six to ten week timeframe.
            More  detailed information about the specific arrangements for testing will be sent  to each candidate in writing. For those individuals who have already applied  for testing this information will be sent by the end of January 2012.
回复 · 2012-1-5 10:07:06
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



NAATI announced in December 2011 that it would restart Chinese and Mandarin accreditation testing in 2012. More information is now available about how the scheduled testing will proceed including any changes that will be made to the test delivery.

There are limited testing places available in all States for all the sessions. The maximum numbers vary depending on the location you wish to sit the test. To avoid the disappointment of not being able to be tested in your preferred session you should make your application as early as you are able to. Should NAATI not be able to offer you a test in your nominated testing location we will notify you as soon as we are able to and you will be assigned to the next available session.

All places for the March 2012 Paraprofessional Interpreter testing session have been filled. Any new applications will be assigned to the next available session.

NAATI will issue results for these tests as quickly as we are able to but it may take ten weeks or more.

Information about all arrangements for testing will be sent to each candidate in writing. For those individuals who have already applied for testing this information will be sent by mid February 2012.
回复 · 2012-1-26 15:15:29
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


近期比较平静,无大政策变动 .
回复 · 2012-3-2 15:01:09
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-9-3 21:15:59
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


近期NAATI与PY都有开课,欲了解具体信息的同学,也可电话直接咨询我们的顾问0470505709,提前做好准备哦!{:soso_e100:} 塔斯马尼亚最近开课的课程PY课程是6月29号,大家抓紧时间报名,通过爱问团队协助,还将获得团购优惠!
回复 · 2013-5-20 16:49:55
请问塔斯马尼亚大学是不是没有NAATI课程的培训啊?  详情 回复
2013-7-30 16:44
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2013-6-24 16:05:13