


Mao 2009-6-1 17:28:17 阅读 2903 来自: 澳大利亚
Police flu powers


June 01, 2009 08:09am

POLICE have the power to arrest Tasmanians who refuse to co-operate with authorities trying to stop the spread of swine flu.

Acting public health director Chrissie Pickin warned yesterday that police could be called when people were unwilling to obey directions given by health authorities or to stay in isolation.

SWINE FLU HOTLINE: 1800 358 362 (1800 FLU DOC)

She said it was one of many options available to her department to help control the swine flu outbreak.

Court and police orders can be issued and fines also can be enforced.

Tasmania has one confirmed case of swine flu.

A 62-year-old North-West woman tested positive to the H1N1 virus on Friday but there are nine other possible cases and about 30 people in home detention.

Authorities have contacted all passengers who were in close contact with the woman, who flew from Melbourne to Hobart on Tuesday, but Dr Pickin yesterday revealed two of these people initially refused to co-operate with authorities.

A public health order was served on one. The other strongly argued against being put in isolation.

"A couple of people in particular were quite shocked and weren't very happy about it at all," Dr Pickin said.

"We expect Tasmanians will comply with home isolation instructions because they will realise how important this is.

"Overwhelmingly, Tasmanians have been very willing to comply.

"If people do resist, the Director of Public Health has powers under the Public Health Act to enforce isolation.

"In the unlikely event that a person fails to abide by a public health order, we may call on police for help as a last

resort. Exactly how police might be used would depend on the circumstances of the specific case."

Dr Pickin said those diagnosed with swine flu or who were under home quarantine were phoned daily by authorities.

But she said if people did not appear to be compliant and stay inside, then further checks would be done.

"We need the community to acknowledge [swine flu] could be a severe threat in Tasmania," she said.

"People need to be supportive and follow our requests."

The comments come a day after Dr Pickin revealed that up to 6000 Tasmanians could be forced into hospital with swine flu over the next few months, straining medical resources.

She said if a full outbreak of the virus took hold, the number of Tasmanians directly affected could climb to 100,000.

There are 30 people in home isolation in the state and at least nine of them are showing symptoms and have been listed as probable or suspected swine flu cases.

Four of those -- three from the North-West and one from the North -- were flying on the plane with the infected woman.

Of four others -- one from the North and three from the South -- all are suffering flu-like symptoms after travelling overseas or coming into contact with someone suspected of swine flu.

The state's other possible case, a 52-year-old woman in the North, is expected to learn today if she has swine flu.

Health authorities are still considering whether to move to the next stage of the swine flu plan.

Australia is in the containment stage of the outbreak, with 303 cases confirmed nationally.

The next stage is the sustainment phase, in which authorities consider the virus is established and spreading in the community. * Phone 1800 FLU DOC -- 1800 358 362 -- if you develop a flu-like illness within seven days of travel to Mexico, the US, Canada, Japan or Panama or within seven days of contact with a flu suspect. Phone the free hotline before going to a hospital, pharmacy or GP.

http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html




harvey1988 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-6-1 19:08:24
ylzhao 来自: 澳大利亚


我们是Tasmanians吗?  lol
回复 · 2009-6-1 21:59:50