


Nicoleacc 2018-9-13 12:05:35 阅读 4720 来自: 澳大利亚

现在,具有Australian ASX 200 及Fortune 500 多年丰富工作经验的Nicole及其团队,将会带领大家短时间快速掌握Xero会计软件!
9月16日,Nicole Accounting将会推出Xero 8小时会计实务班!
课程设置包括一共两个Session,每个session四个小时!内容将会最基础的公司建立(Setup)开始,采购和应付(Purchase & AP), 库存(Inventory), 应收(AR), 工资(Payroll), 对账Reconciliation,最后到报表(Reports),深入浅出,让您快速掌握Xero!


XERO Session One
Topic 1 Set up
1.1 Explain how to set up a new company in Xero
1.2 Introduce the Chart of Accounts
1.3 Explain how to set up accounts in Xero
1.4 Explain how to add new accounts
1.5 Explain how to add new bank account
1.6 Explain how to edit and delete and update account
Topic 2 Purchase &Accounts Payable
2.1  Explain how toset up new suppliers and update suppliers’ profile
2.2  Explain purchase order, purchase invoices 及两者的转换
2.3 Explain two forms of purchase invoices (Service andItem)
2.4 Explain how to enter purchase invoices in Xero
2.5 Explain how to input credit notes from supplier
2.6 Explain how to make payment in Xero
2.7 Explain how to do supplier account reconciliation
2.8 Explain expense claim(reimbursement of employees)
Topic 3 Inventory ( 重点部分 同时是很多单位的疑难问题)
3.1 Introduce the concept of SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
3.2 Explain how to create SKU in Xero
3.3 Explain how to process stock purchase invoices
3.4 Explain how to process import-related invoices (Custom, GSTetc.)
3.5 Explain the account related with stock purchase and sales
3.6 Explain how to process refund of goods (two situations)
3.7 Explain how to manage inventory cost
3.8 Introduce the inventory related report in Xero
Topic 4 Sales
4.1 Explain two forms of sales invoices (Service and Item)
4.2 Explain how to enter issue sales invoices in Xero
4.3 Explain how to input credit notes to customers
4.4 Explain how to receive payment from customers
4.5 Explain how to do customer account reconciliation
Topic 5 Payroll
5.1 Explain how to set up new employees in Xero
5.2 Explain how to set up payroll account in Xero
5.3 Explain how to process pay runs in Xero
Topic 6 Reconciliation
6.1 Explain how to upload bank statement into Xero
6.2 Introduce the difference between bank reconciliation betweenMYOB and Xero
6.3 Explain how to do bank reconciliation
Topic 7 Report
7.1 Introduce dashboards and report function in Xero
7.2 Explain the use of BAS(Business Activity Statement) and IAS(PAYG Withholding Tax) report in Xero
7.3 Introduce the balance sheet and Profit Loss Statement inXero

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