


指南针Sasa 2010-12-14 10:44:51 阅读 4853 来自: 澳大利亚
移民局公布 关于IT职业重新 评估政策。IT(NEC)已通过reviewed的可以进G3附MIA最新消息

用原始材料review 如果能进新的ANZSCO, 就可以算G3,调整审理的优先顺序。


Australian Computer Society (ACS) Skills Assessment Review
DIAC has issued advice for General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa applicants who:

Lodged their applications on the basis of a skills assessment by ACS in the Australian Standards Classification of Occupations (ASCO) occupation of Computing Professionals NEC prior to 1 July 2010; and
Subsequently sought a review of their skills assessment from the ACS to determine their skilled occupation under Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).
ACS allowed applications for review of skills assessments following the announcement of the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) in ANZSCO that came into effect on 1 July 2010. The review was offered by ACS in light of this change to determine if the materials submitted for the original skills assessment could receive a skills assessment for an occupation classified under ANZSCO.
If ACS assess an applicant as suitable against an ANZSCO occupation after review of the materials provided for the original skills assessment, the department will prioritise the GSM application based on that ANZSCO occupation.
As it is not possible to change a nominated occupation after lodgement, any skills assessment obtained based on new materials cannot alter the priority of an existing application.
Applicants who want to move to a higher priority category based on a new skills assessment must lodge a new application.
ACS has advised the MIA that:

You are eligible to review your assessment for the following reasons: "Change of ANZSCO occupation code";
You have additional information that was not included in the initial assessment application.
Full Review of Assessment
A review can only be requested within 60 days of the date of the original assessment result letter, otherwise a completely new assessment application needs to be submitted.
You will need to provide additional information to support your application for review of assessment.
If you have already used the assessment outcome letter for Migration purposes, then the assessment process is regarded as finished and no Review request can be made.
The recent DIAC statement only applies to those covered in the transitionary arrangements who have already had a review accepted within the time allocated - about 850 applicants in total
ACS is now swamped with enquiries, as DIAC did not inform them in advance of the exact wording of their release and ACS has not had time to put measures in place to support DIAC’s communication.
ACS advises it moved offices from Friday 26 November: Level 11, 50 Carrington St, NSW 2000

由于通知写的比较笼统,有很多似是而非的问题。欢迎大家在下面发问。我们跟ACS,和移民局confirm 后。回来一一解答。


1. 申请review 还是申请reassessment, (Hwang 网友已经去ACS总部询问,说是要review)
2.老IT申请review 那么拿到result letter超过60天了。不符合要求(MIA回信中已经注明,必须得60天。等于前段时间非常多学生已经拿到review 的,可以调整排序了。不过这里有个漏洞了,前几个月我们公司办理的老IT



December 2010
Australian Computer Society (ACS) Skills Assessment Review
The following information is for General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa applicants who sought a review from the ACS to determine their skilled occupation under Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).
This advice relates to GSM visa applicants who:
lodged their application on the basis of a skills assessment by ACS in the Australian Standards Classification of Occupations (ASCO) occupation of Computing Professionals NEC prior to 1 July 2010 and
subsequently sought a review of their skills assessment from the ACS to determine their skilled occupation under Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).
ACS allowed applications for review of skills assessments following the announcement of the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) in ANZSCO that came into effect on 1 July 2010. The review was offered by ACS in light of this change to determine if the materials submitted for the original skills assessment could receive a skills assessment for an occupation classified under ANZSCO.
If ACS assess an applicant as suitable against an ANZSCO occupation after review of the materials provided for the original skills assessment, the department will prioritise the GSM application based on that ANZSCO occupation.
As it is not possible to change a nominated occupation after lodgement, any skills assessment obtained based on new materials cannot alter the priority of an existing application.
Applicants who want to move to a higher priority category based on a new skills assessment must lodge a new application. Applicants should ensure they meet all eligibility criteria before lodging a new application.



Ivan_accountant 来自: 中国湖北武汉


回复 · 2010-12-14 15:17:46
指南针Sasa 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 Ivan_accountant 的帖子

回复 · 2010-12-14 16:30:20