


JUSTIN.JIANG 2012-1-5 13:59:19 移民 阅读 32642 来自: 澳大利亚
为了方便读者的阅读,便于大家寻找到对自己有帮助的信息。本帖的第一楼将按照所发布的帖子的主要内容及其位置,实时更新列出主题信息与楼层对应列表。由于移民案例所牵扯的范围较广,如涉及到比较敏感的个人隐私问题,可加QQ:1440254949 详谈,谢谢!



  •           免费为本地高中毕业生申请各类大专或大学课程
  •         免费为会计专业,IT 专业以及工程类专业的毕业生申请Professional Year (职业年), 以取得5分的加分
  •         免费  NAATI加分课程全程申请
  •         快速办理国内赴澳就读高中,大专,大学或研究生课程
  •         高中生来澳学习无需雅思[/url]
  •         免费学生境内转学/升学 (本公司将为客户申请既满足移民要求,价格又相对合理/或学校学习压力相对宽松的课程,减轻学生的生活与学业负担)
  •         家长,配偶及子女陪读, 学生签证[/url]延签

翻译服务 (澳大利亚三级NAATI翻译提供全方位的服务)         

  •           翻译各类证明性文件,公证类文件以及证书类文件
  •         翻译各类书信
  •         翻译各类技术性文件


  •           个人税号TFN申请, 公司ABN注册
  •         澳大利亚无犯罪记录证明AFP办理


  •           边远地区雇主担保移民(857/119类)/ 雇主担保(856/121类)/ 工作签证 (457类以及永居856/857类)
  •         投资移民(163类以及转892)/ 创业移民 (学生创业移民845类)
  •         临居技术移民(485类) / 个人独立技术移民(885类)/亲属担保技术移民(886类)
  •         同居移民/结婚 移民/父母移民/家庭最后亲属移民/旅游签证

腾讯微群地址:http://qun.t.qq.com/60882976     (微群名:悉尼留学生)
新浪微博地址:http://weibo.com/yanfeijiang1        (微群名:澳大利亚留学门户)




JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


信息分享:如果境内的学生打算申请每年2月份的大学课程,建议你们尽量提早申请,因为学校的申请CLOSING  DATE晚晚比此日期早几个月时间。
回复 · 2012-1-16 10:50:25
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



NAATI announced in December 2011 that it would restart Chinese and Mandarin accreditation testing in 2012. More information is now available about how the scheduled testing will proceed including any changes that will be made to the test delivery.

There are limited testing places available in all States for all the sessions. The maximum numbers vary depending on the location you wish to sit the test. To avoid the disappointment of not being able to be tested in your preferred session you should make your application as early as you are able to. Should NAATI not be able to offer you a test in your nominated testing location we will notify you as soon as we are able to and you will be assigned to the next available session.

All places for the March 2012 Paraprofessional Interpreter testing session have been filled. Any new applications will be assigned to the next available session.

NAATI will issue results for these tests as quickly as we are able to but it may take ten weeks or more.

Information about all arrangements for testing will be sent to each candidate in writing. For those individuals who have already applied for testing this information will be sent by mid February 2012.
回复 · 2012-1-26 15:15:04
nina1030 来自: 中国上海


回复 · 2012-2-7 03:09:57
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


nina1030 发表于 2012-2-7 03:09
我想咨询下,所谓的工作签证或者是887,485签证中提到的,必须在澳洲学习超过2年时间,这是指我必须 ...

回复 · 2012-2-8 16:46:43
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



Reduction of Certain Student Visa Assessment Levels
Reductions in Student visa assessment levels for 29 countries for certain Student visa subclasses was announced by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship on 15 February 2012. These reductions will take effect on 24 March 2012.

These changes will lower the minimum evidentiary requirements needed for the grant of a Student visa for certain countries and education sectors.

The following is a list of countries and Student visa subclasses affected by the assessment level decreases which will take effect on 24 March 2012.

Country of Citizenship Education Sector Updated Assessment Levels
Belize  Subclass 572 – VET AL2
Bhutan  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Botswana  Subclass 571 – Schools AL1
Botswana  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL1
Bulgaria  Subclass 570 – ELICOS AL1
Bulgaria  Subclass 572 – VET AL1
Bulgaria  Subclass 573 – Higher Ed AL1
Bulgaria  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL1
China, Peoples Republic of Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Ecuador  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Egypt  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
India  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Indonesia  Subclass 571 – Schools AL1
Indonesia  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Jordan  Subclass 571 – Schools AL2
Kazakhstan  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Kazakhstan  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL2
Korea, South Subclass 570 – ELICOS AL1
Korea, South Subclass 572 – VET AL1
Latvia  Subclass 572 – VET AL1
Lebanon  Subclass 571 – Schools AL2
Lebanon  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Lebanon  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL3
Maldives  Subclass 570 – ELICOS AL2
Maldives  Subclass 571 – Schools AL1
Maldives  Subclass 573 – Higher Ed AL1
Mauritius  Subclass 571 – Schools AL1
Mexico  Subclass 572 – VET AL1
Montenegro, Republic of  Subclass 570 – ELICOS AL2
Montenegro, Republic of  Subclass 572 – VET AL2
Montenegro, Republic of  Subclass 573 – Higher Ed AL2
Montenegro, Republic of  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL2
Namibia  Subclass 573 – Higher Ed AL2
Nepal  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Nicaragua  Subclass 570 – ELICOS AL2
Nicaragua  Subclass 571 – Schools AL2
Nicaragua  Subclass 572 – VET AL2
Nicaragua  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL2
Philippines  Subclass 571 – Schools AL1
Reunion  Subclass 572 – VET AL1
Reunion  Subclass 573 – Higher Ed AL1
Seychelles  Subclass 571 – Schools AL1
Seychelles  Subclass 572 – VET AL1
Seychelles  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL1
Suriname  Subclass 573 – Higher Ed AL2
Suriname  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL2
Tanzania  Subclass 571 – Schools AL2
Tanzania  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Turkey  Subclass 571 – Schools AL2
Turkey  Subclass 572 – VET AL2
Ukraine  Subclass 570 – ELICOS AL2
Ukraine  Subclass 571 – Schools AL2
Ukraine  Subclass 573 – Higher Ed AL2
Ukraine  Subclass 574 – Post Grad Research AL1
Ukraine  Subclass 575 – Non–Award AL2
Venezuela  Subclass 572 – VET AL1

Frequently asked Questions
Q: I am an international student studying in Australia. Do these changes affect me?
A: These changes will only affect new Student visa applications made on or after 24 March 2012.

Q: What does a reduction of assessment levels mean to Student visa applicants?
A: Students affected by the changes will be required to provide less documentary evidence to support their claims for the grant of a Student visa. These may include evidence of English language proficiency, financial capacity and academic qualifications.

Q: Where can I find out more information about assessment levels?
A: Further information on assessment levels including a full list of current assessment levels is available on the department's website.
回复 · 2012-2-16 21:23:20
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



To advance the UNSW student experience and reward high achieving students, UNSW will be offering scholarships for high achieving international students enrolling in the 2012 February and July intakes.

To be eligible you should:
•        Submit your application and required documents to receive a full offer to study at UNSW by November 30
•        Have achieved excellent results in your previous studies
•        Have an overall IELTS score of 7.0 or equivalent (if your studies were completed in a language other than English)

The scholarships are provided to international students for selected undergraduate degree programs and master by coursework programs
回复 · 2012-2-21 17:53:30
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-3-19 15:35:08
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚




一. 3月24日起,学生签证风险等级调整

于2012年3月24日或26日起递交的本科,硕士和博士研究生的学生签证申请,只要申请递交时已经有COE, 无论申请人的国籍是哪里, 签证的审核标准都会参照第一风险等级(Assessment Level 1),这意味着申请人的材料准备难度会大为降低。这项提议被称为streamlined visa processing proposal, 参加这项提议的大学名单预计会在2012年3月24日在移民局网站公布。

二. 3月26日起,打工时间更加灵活


对于研究类研究学位和博士学位的就读学生 (Master by Research, PhD),一旦课程开始,他们每周可以工作的时间不受限制。


      三. 3月24日起,571签证语言课程上限调制50周


此外,从3月24日起,新580签证持有人(学生监护人)可以兼职上语言培训课程, 该课程的时间没有上限,但每周不能超过20个小时。



      五.  3月24日起,学生签证可以在开学前4个月就下签


六. 学生签证不会再自动取消

     以前,如果学生签证持有人没有达到一定出勤率,在一定时间内没能通过就读课程, 或者打工时间每周超过20小时,学生签证会被自动取消。

这种一揽子取消签证的政策被认为太过苛刻,没有给个别学生申辩的机会,所以有提议要求今后学生签证的取消决定会根据具体学生的具体状况来作出, 给留学生一个更公平公正的  结果。

回复 · 2012-3-27 22:43:15
JUSTIN.JIANG 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-4-4 14:29:29