

Who is she?

ceciliachiu 2012-4-27 09:15:25 显示全部楼层 阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 澳大利亚
18-19 October 2011 Tuesday, Day 6 & 7

The hospital staff had some more challenging questions for me. A lady staff came and said because I have brain injury, she needed to check and make sure I am alright. She showed me three picture cards and told me to memorise them because she would ask what they were the next day. She also showed me a photo of a lady and she is Jill. I needed to tell her who she is the next day. Jill has blond hair and wore a red blouse.

So, that night I kept reminding myself the pictures were a flower, a bird and two keys. And, she is Jill.                       

The next day, the staff came and asked me what the three pictures were. I told her they were a flower, a bird and two keys. I of course remembered the lady's name - Jill. Rather than asking for her name, she showed me photos of three different women taken in the same setting.  They all have blonde hair, wear a red blouse and are of the similar age and look. Then she asked me which one was Jill. That was cunning 奸狡 and I puzzled 迟疑 for a while.

Having lived through the very tough Hong Kong examination system, I would not allow this simple test to defeat me. I studied the facial features of the three carefully and got it right in the first attempt.

She showed me three new picture cards and told me to memorise the contents because there would be another test the next day.  And I still needed to recognise Jill.

This went on for three days and of course I got all things right every time.


糖果公主 2012-4-27 13:06:43 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
what do you try to say? or convey through this article?
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ceciliachiu 楼主 2012-4-27 15:33:16 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
糖果公主 发表于 2012-4-27 13:06
what do you try to say? or convey through this article?

This is like a diary of what happened to me while hospitalised.  There is no special message I want to convey. Just to record what happened.
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