


Mao 2009-7-23 11:23:20 阅读 6008 来自: 澳大利亚
July 23, 2009 09:14am
HERE are 24 questions to test your knowledge of Tasmania's road rules.
1 Can you cross over solid double dividing lines on a road?
2Your son, who is a very careful driver on his P plates, has only beendrinking a couple of light beers and is under .05. Can he come and giveyou a lift home from work?
3 You have just moved here from Melbourne. How long is it before you have to get a Tasmanian driving licence?

4 When can you legally use your hand-held mobile phone in your car?
5 You are in a hurry. What is the maximum speed you can drive when turning at an intersection controlled by traffic lights?

6A school bus has stopped on a country road and has its amber lightsflashing. What is your maximum speed limit while driving past?
7 Can you legally drive a 12-seater van on a standard licence?
8 If you are driving on a dual-lane road with a speed limit of 80km/h, which lane can you be in, left or right?
9 Can you do a U-turn at an intersection with traffic lights?

10 When can’t you cross a single continuous dividing line?

11 A sign with a red circle, a black S and a red diagonal stripe through it means?

12 How close can you legally park to an intersection without traffic lights?

13 Can you park on the street over your own driveway?
14 You are driving on a dual-lane highway with a 110km/h limit. Which lane should you be in?

15 What does a yellow line on the side of the road mean?
16 When can you legally drive above the speed limit in Tasmania?
17 You are following another car on a dry road. What’s the minimum safe gap (in seconds)
between vehicles, so you are not following too close? What is the gap in the wet?

18 You buy a radar detector on eBay. On what type of roads can it be used?
19 You can’t find a park, but there is a gap near a pedestrian crossing. How close to the crossing can you legally park?

20 It’s Monday morning and a school day. You enter a school zone but you can’t see any children. What is your maximum speed?

You are driving car A and you want to merge with another line oftraffic travelling in the same direction (there are no marked lanes)
A: You must give way to car B as it is on your right
B: You have right of way, as you are travelling ahead of cars B and C
C: You have to give way to cars B and C as they are on your right
D: You have to give way to cars B and C as you are travelling ahead of them.

You are driving car A in a 60km/h speed zone. Your lane ends and youmust merge with another lane of traffic travelling  in the samedirection (there are line markings)
A: Cars B and C have to give way to you as they are in the right lane
B: You have to give way to cars B and C as you are moving into their lane
C: Cars B and C have to give way as you are travelling ahead of them
D: You have to give way to car B as it is travelling ahead of you

You are driving car A in a 100km/h speed zone. Your lane has come to anend and you want to merge into another lane of traffic. There are roadmarkings
A: You must give way to car B as you are moving into the lane it is travelling in
B: Car B has to give way to you as you are travelling ahead of it
C: Car B has to give way to you as it is in the right lane

On a multi-laned road, car A and car B want to change to the centre lane. Which car can change lanes first?
A: Car A as it is changing into the right hand lane
B: Car B as car C has to give way to a car on its right
C: Neither car A or car B has priority for that lane


http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... 6241_road-toll.html




tas2005 来自: 澳大利亚


have a look
回复 · 2009-7-23 12:59:30
nimnim 来自: 澳大利亚


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diego 来自: 澳大利亚


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二宁宁 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-7-26 02:10:16