


jhjhg 来自: 澳大利亚


08/12 at Derwent Entertainment Center, let's go **** him 100 times..

回复 · 2009-9-9 10:31:00
Huanchu 来自: 中国北京


本帖最后由 Huanchu 于 2009-9-10 02:08 编辑


Actually, I think you and all your little friends here should get together and fuck yourselves. No civilized person would want anything to do with you.

You and every other Chinese person in Australia have absolutely NO RIGHT WHAT SO EVER to complain about His Holiness being here. You are all GUESTS, just as He is. Only He is here because people want Him here. You are here because you are paying. Big Difference right there.

In China, foreign guests are not allowed to complain about anything, no choices that are made. If they do, they get thrown out of the country. And if one of you little Chinese people complain about anything, well, you are never seen again.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. His Holiness Dalai Lama only ever speaks about his want for peace, for prosperity for all. Have you EVER heard or seen one word from Him that says others wise? No, only what the Chinese government tells you He says. But here you are, calling for violence and attacks against him. If you disagree with Him or His ideas, then just don't listen. Leave Australia if you don't like Him coming here. Go back to your perfect little world of China if it is so much better than every where else.

His Holiness has received the god damn Noble Peace Prize for fucks sake!! What has any leader of China ever received for the international community except condemnation? If people like you are the future of the Chinese society, then it will really never get any better. Long live Chairman Mao and the results of his legacy. It is still alive and well in the Chinese mind today.

Oh, and be aware. I will be letting the authorities know of what you have all been talking about today, complete with translation. I'm sure the police and school leaders will be very interested in your discussions about attacking a visiting dignitary.
回复 · 2009-9-10 02:06:12
西安人在澳洲 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-9-10 02:31:00
Huanchu 来自: 中国北京


Just to update you all.

I know this post will be deleted by morning, so I have already taken screen shots of the two pages, and emailed them to the local police department chief Rod Gonzalez, who will be in charge of Dalai Lama's security in Hobart, together with contact details for this forums webmaster.

No doubt, as you would back in China, authorities will be looking into this matter very seriously by tomorrow.
回复 · 2009-9-10 02:33:36
Huanchu 来自: 中国北京



In America, or any civilized country, if people were talking online about how they plan to attack a visiting guest, no matter if it were someone the country hated, or a visiting VIP like His Holiness, the authorities WOULD get involved. But you on here hide behind Chinese and hope nobody will notice. So people like me have to tell the authorities here and hope that they stop your foul talking.

Violence is always wrong. And BTW, you know nothing about me. You don't know where or when or how I complain about the actions of others involved in violent thought or action. So don't even pretend to be big and clever or try to judge me.
回复 · 2009-9-10 03:19:51
西安人在澳洲 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-9-10 03:51:53
Huanchu 来自: 中国北京


Everyone has the right to freedom of speech??? Foreigners in china don't have that right, so what gives you that right here? Actually, Chinese people in china don't have that right. So why don't you go home and complain about the 'freedom of speech' there?

Anyway, the DaLai Lama has the right to come here, has the right to say whatever he wants. And people on this forum have the right to disagree with Him, to say He is wrong, even stupid. But no one has the right to threaten violence against Him, to say they want to hurt Him, or anyone. Neither you, nor anyone on here, have any right to do that.

And that's why I forwarded these pages to the police.
回复 · 2009-9-10 08:34:59
Mao 来自: 澳大利亚


Just to update you all.

I know this post will be deleted by morning, so I have already taken screen shots of the two pages, and emailed them to the local police department chief Rod Gonzalez, who w ...
Huanchu 发表于 2009-9-10 02:33


No one is gonna delete your post here, because everyone has the rights to say whatever they want to say.

Please let the police contact me :)

回复 · 2009-9-10 08:42:56
Mao 来自: 澳大利亚


大家别冲动。这次达赖访台,访澳已经被各大媒体所关注。他的一言一行以及中国人的反应都将被媒体客观地报道出来。到目前为止,达赖对各方的攻击不予回应。显出一派所谓大师的风度。大家如果都去骂他,反而是中了他的 ...
zhdyzq 发表于 2009-9-8 00:11

回复 · 2009-9-10 08:43:54
jhmax720 来自: LAN


真无聊 有好多牢骚, 还有个把牢骚当真的傻比
回复 · 2009-9-10 12:17:54