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jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


19# nathanxu

Yes, I am. And I have to the plane for 6 hours! Thank you for telling me a lot. I hope I can make sure someone who get lost  is not me! lol

Actually I want to change the Australia, but I not in Hobart now, and that house is only for temporary stay from Dec 28 to February 22. U know, in this period I have to find another place to live. I think it is tough to find a good circumstance and not expensive. Buy the way, do you think take a house or appartment is difficult for fresh guy? Or I should find a room in the beginning?

Typing the Chinese slow? Are you come to hobart for long time?
回复 · 2009-12-1 11:16:26
nathanxu 来自: 澳大利亚


21# jasonleelp

I never used a computer until I arrived in Australia.  I those days, my family can't really afford a computer in China.  Yeah, I have been to Australia for while.  

I think you should change to your temporary address in Australia for now anyway, you can always change your address again upon locating a new home.  

I personally feel it is easier to get a room for now.  You might be able to secure a house or apartment after you've been here for while.  However, would you agree a house is bit too big just for yourself?  

You won't get lost in Sydney Airport, there are a lot of friendly staffs in Sydney Airport who are more then happy to give you a hand.  Just remember not to take too many food, make sure you will make right declaration in Sydney Airport.  

Enjoy your flight.
回复 · 2009-12-1 11:32:32
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


Other information can be changed, but the country cannot be changed to china.

For the house, I am quite afraid that the room which is near the university is difficut to find at the beginning of February.

And actually I hope to find a house or appartment for sharing with friend. It is not living by myself.

Thank you for giving me lot of information. Now I have confidence to prevent to get lose.
回复 · 2009-12-1 21:24:47
nathanxu 来自: 澳大利亚


23# jasonleelp

I understand you cannot change to an address in China for your frequent flyer, why don't you just change to your temporary address in Australia?

From my personal experience, February is the hot season where students returns to university, it won't be easy to secure a good place.  

I am sure you will secure a good place with your friends.
回复 · 2009-12-1 22:12:04
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


I know what you mean, but I am not in Australia until 28 December. So I am afraid Quantas will sent the card to me in this period.

As your experience, when should I begin to find the house?

Thank you! I hope so!
回复 · 2009-12-2 22:05:04
nathanxu 来自: 澳大利亚


25# jasonleelp

I think you should start to look for a permanent place as soon as you arrive in Hobart.  I personally like to stay in one place as much as I can.  I hope you will find a good place to early next year.
回复 · 2009-12-3 20:18:58
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


Ok! I will do my best!

Thank you!

Keep in touch!
回复 · 2009-12-3 22:01:10
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


Although I have no experience living in other country,  I also love to stay in the same place.  I hope I can do that! lol
回复 · 2009-12-3 22:03:07