

祖国母亲,祝您66 岁生日快乐!

塔州新闻 2015-10-15 19:01:22 阅读 29454 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 塔州新闻 于 2015-10-15 19:42 编辑


Motherland - Wishing You a Happy Sixty-sixth Birthday!

记霍巴特市政厅国庆酒会 02-10-2015
National Day reception 02-10-2015 Hobart Town Hall

2015年10月2日(周五)晚六至七点,由塔州中华商会,塔州中华艺术交流协会在霍巴特市政厅市长庭联合主办了一个庆祝中华人民共和国成立六十六周年的鸡尾酒会!当晚的酒会是由Hobart市长Sue Hickey 、副市长Ron Christie主持。
The Tasmania Chinese Business Association and the Tasmania Chinese Arts and Communication Society jointly sponsored a cocktail party from six to seven on Friday evening 2nd October 2015 at the Hobart Town Hall Mayoral Chamber to celebrate the sixty-sixth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
The reception was hosted by the Lord Mayor of Hobart Alderman Sue Hickey and the Deputy Lord Mayor Alderman Ron Christie.

当晚,总督府副州督Alan Blow(His Excellency, Lieutenant Governor Alan Blow QAM, QC)亲自光临与大家共同庆贺!
Mayor Alderman Ron Christie. Also attended were the Lieutenant Governor, His Excellency Alan Blow QAM, and QC.

国庆鸡尾酒会由霍巴特副市长Ron Christie主持,首先由身着唐装的(美女)市长Sue Hickey讲话。讲话中以制作的中国行PPT的方式和大家一起回顾了去年中国国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛对塔州的到访,为塔州进一步的经济发展提供的极大潜在的商机;介绍了去中国访问期间中国政府及人民的热情友好。中澳目前已成为第一贸易伙伴。此次的中国行不仅再次推动了福州和霍巴特友好城市的建立,同时于今年四月与西安又签署了友好姊妹城市。市长Sue希望霍巴特这个美丽宁静的城市能吸引更多的华人,华人留学生前来学习与生活。并相信霍巴特市政府会沿着澳中友好协作的路走下去。

The MC for the National Day cocktail party was the suave Deputy Lord Mayor Alderman Ron Christie and the first speech was given by our beautiful Lord Mayor Alderman Sue Hickey dressed in a Chinese costume. She used a Power Point presentation of her China Visit and took everyone back to the special moment when the Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan visited Tasmania to further economic development and realised other potential business opportunities. Also she talked about her recent trip to China where the Hobart trade delegation received warm and friendly reception, and she highlighted the fact that China has now become Australia’s largest trading partner. During the trip, the Lord Mayor promoted the establishment of Hobart and Fuzhou’s sister city relationship. It was another significant development after Xi’an and Hobart became sister cities in this April. Lord Mayor Hickey expressed her hope that Hobart, this beautiful and peaceful city would attract more attention from Chinese people. She believed that Hobart would continue to be an important bridge between Australia and China.


The President of the Tasmania Chinese Arts and Communication Society, Ms. You you Pan, and the vice president of the Tasmania Chinese Business Association, Mr. Jason Xu were then invited to speak as co-sponsors. They both expressed that the event was particularly meaningful in terms of first, the Hobart and Xi'an city sisterhood; second, it followed closely China's traditional festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival on 27 September 2015; and third, it was the 66th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

与往年不同的是今年的庆典活动是由Hobart中华商会和中华艺术交流协会联合举办,市政府主持,由市政厅办公室以市长名义向所有华人社团发出的邀请,这体现出中国文化建设被受到极大的关注与重视。到会的华人社团有:塔州中华商会;塔州中华艺术交流协会;中国汉传密宗-圣密宗古梵密金刚禅佛学院;塔省华侨联谊会; 澳中友好协会塔州分会;塔州华人专家学者协会;塔州中文教师协会塔州中文学校;澳洲华人生物医学学会塔州分会;等九个华人社团代表应邀出席了酒会。

Unlike previous years, this year's celebration was jointly organised by various Hobart communities and the Hobart City. This reflected interest and concern of the Community at large in China and her culture.
The representatives from nine Chinese Communities were invited to attend the reception. They were the Tasmania Chinese Business Association, the Tasmania Chinese Arts and Communication Society, the Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana-Holy TantraGuFan Mi Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism, the Chinese Community Association of Tasmania, the Australia China Friendship Society Tasmania Branch, the Chinese Professionals Association of Tasmania, the Tasmania Chinese Teachers Association, the Tasmania Chinese School and the Australia Chinese Association for Biomedical Sciences Tasmania Branch.

塔州中华商会及塔州中华艺术交流协会为此次庆祝活动的组织做了大量的工作。商会的理事会会员诺克顿酒庄(NOCTON VINEYARD,TASMANIA)提供了来自著名葡萄酒庄-煤河谷的优质黑品诺红葡萄酒,起泡就和白葡萄酒。起泡酒和白葡萄酒。塔州著名餐馆阿五美食提供了鲜美可口的塔州鲍鱼,特色甜点等宴会食物,让跟多当地朋友品尝到了中西合璧的精品美食。塔州连锁华人超市EIG也为本次活动提供了中秋月饼和来自家乡的青岛啤酒。艺术交流协会为市长准备中国行的PPT提供了非常优美的传统民族背景音乐;两个协会所组办活动的PPT以及协助酒会服务。
The Tasmania Chinese Business Association, and the Tasmania Chinese Arts and Communication Society both provided great support to the event. In particular, Business Association members, the Nocton Vineyard (Tasmania), the EIG Markets and AWU Restaurant provided high quality food, red and white wine, Qingdao Beer and moon cakes for the reception. The Tasmania Chinese Arts and Communication Society produced the Power Point Presentation combined with very beautiful tradition ethnic background music for the Lord Mayor’s speech and other services.


The Cocktail party once again provided a platform for the communication and exchange of the Chinese and the local culture within the community. Everyone at the event appreciated this great blending of traditional Chinese culture and we all had a belief that China would continue to carry forward its culture and virtues into a very bright future.

An hour later this pleasant and memorable event came to a successful conclusion.


文/铀铀;图/自清; 译/杨玫; PPT制作/Andy 陈
Text: YouYou; Photos: ZiQing; Translation: May; PPT production: Andy Chen

