money-spinners 摇钱树
postnatal /pəʊst’neɪtl/ 产后的
ubiquitous /juː’bɪkwɪtəs/ 普遍存在的 e.g. Such festive trappings are ubiquitous in China in the build-up to the lunar new year.
zodiac /‘zəʊdɪæk/ 生肖,黄道十二宫 e.g. the animals of the Chinese zodiac
globe-trotting 环球旅行;a. 游历世界的 e.g. It also reflects the wealth and globe-trotting ambitions of China’s new middle class.
Chinese new year is a welcome chance to reverse the cultural flow.
touchy 易怒的,棘手的 e.g. The question of how to educate the brightest children is a touchy subject in Britain.
emeritus /ɪ’merɪtəs/ 荣誉退休的
reverberate /rɪ’vɜːbəreɪt/ 回荡,回响 e.g. The same words should be reverberating off the walls of each Bridge nursery.
inundate /‘ɪnʌndeɪt/ 淹没,使不负重荷 e.g. An online dating app which connects Canadians and Americans, was inundated with people signing up.
unfathomable 深不可测的,不可理解的
flurry 忙乱,一连串事件 e.g. in his first flurry of policy tweets and executive orders
litigious /lɪ’tɪdʒəs/ 好诉讼的,可提起诉讼的
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5月30日开课 | 每班人数 | 15人左右 | 课程教师 | 文波老师 Michael老师Shawn 老师 Jasmine老师 | 适合人群 | 不在墨尔本,无法参加实体班的学员
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