本帖最后由 sara1 于 2019-2-25 21:22 编辑
(以下全部是换宿)招清洁工中。。。。需要这周可以开始工作的!!!!!!!!急需!!!!!!!!! (简单说:至少工作2个月,,每周12个小时,10-12点。。时间段固定。2个月结束后,返还押金。 至少工作1个月,,每周16个小时,,10点开始。 ) 1个月结束后,返还押金。 之后可以继续工作,或选择离开。 200刀押金是必须交的!!!!
现在招人中。。。。。ASAP!!!!!!只招1个人,感兴趣的快点申请啊!! by the way(是非常简单的,不复杂的,没有难度的,两三天就可以很熟练的。)
Please read this carefully. : 138 Collins Street ..:03 6223 5215 号码是座机的。 Work is for accommodation in dorm . Position is unpaid..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!没有工资的!!!
**2-3 hours work per day for accommodation!** (16 Hours per week) Have to be available in the mornings, 10am-1pm; 6 days a week. Minimum stay required: 4 weeks!!
There is a security bond of $200 need to pay so as to ensure you can work a minimum 4 weeks. This will be refunded on your date of leaving if you have finished your commitment.
**You can also choose to stay 8 weeks and you only need to work 12 hours a week (i.e. 2 hrs a day * 6 days) it will be 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
**EVERYTHING INCLUDED! ** (Power, wifi, heater, water etc.. all included EXCEPT laundry at AUD$5 per hour).
***If you are interested, please come here 138 Collins Street around 10AM (leave you email or phone number here) and I can answer your questions if there is any.--Laura
Please read above carefully..Thanks。。。
以上是清洁工cleaner的具体安排。 =--=-=-=-==-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=---------==================
(工作具体内容:把床单等放入洗衣机,再放烘干机,最后叠好。工作全部结束。) 在等待洗衣机和烘干机结束的时间,可以自由利用。时间自由,比较适合学生。
这份工作也是换宿,(working as a cleaner exchange for stay here in a dorm room),所以没有工资。
补充内容 (2019-2-26 22:07):
若感兴趣,可10 AM左右到前台,关于工作时间内容等的问题,都可以过来问我。
补充内容 (2019-2-27 17:16):
补充内容 (2019-2-28 21:02):
洗衣服的工作,轻松简单,正在招人!!学生也可以做laundry的工作。 |